lunar fertility hypothesis


i have been troubled by the inability to remember exactly when the incident that got me pregnant happened... i have a veRy clear memory of the incident itself, and i know definitely that that was the moment (though i didn't put 2 and 2 together at the time), but i can't be sure on what date it happened...

but i think i've figured it out.

i went through my lunar fertility cycle to try to find out the potential gender of this little bean, and realized that my lunar fertility was strongest the day before my last period. and i seem to have an inkling of having said "yes it's safe, i'm getting my period tomorrow"... so i think i actually got pregnant the day before my period. i've read enough to know it's possible, though unlikely, yet the founder of the lunar fertility method states:

"If Lunar Conception coincides with ovulation, the probability of conception is very high. Strangely enough, it is also very high when the moment of Lunar Conception coincides with menstruation. This explains many unbelievable cases which just cannot be explained by official science, but which exist in real life. "

so that would mean that in my case the stupid way the establishment calculates due dates would actually be correct!

if i'm right about the date, and lunar gender prediction is accurate, then we are having a girl. w00t! though honestly after that dream last night i don't care anymore.

2 Response to "lunar fertility hypothesis"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    This is exactly what happened with me. I thought "I am going to get my period's okay." I was very careful about tracking my cycles, but then it never came...
    My nurse practitioner also dated me later than I thought I was due...and Isabelle came on the day I thought she would...not two weeks later when I was "due."

  2. rhiannon Says:

    great, so i am not crazy! :)

    my hunch is a may 1 baby... so we'll see.

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