*&#$ work!

my boss is S U C H a bitch! it's unbelievable. i can't get into the subtleties of our conversation, but here are the main bullet points:

1) she's asking a 9-week pregnant woman how long i will be on maternity leave
2) she's bitching about she will have to cover for me "while [i'm] out"
3) she's asking a 9-week pregnant woman what i am going to do about child care

my responses:
1) i don't fucking know. (read: forever, you bitch, deal with it)
2) no comment. (read: i hate you! have fun!)
3) i don't fucking know. (read: i am going to raise my own child as was intended when it became implanted inside my body)

so this really pisses me off, because now she's asking and i am forced to lie. i hate lying. i'm no good at it and it makes me horribly uncomfortable. but unfortunately i can't tell her the truth or she might possibly fire me which would mean i'd lose that lovely zero-deductible insurance plan. i'd really like to be able to be honest and tell them ahead of time that i'm leaving, so that they have more time to find a replacement, but she is such a psychotic, controlling harpy that it is NOT in my best interest to be honest. i resent that sooooo much.

and on top of the absurdity of her even thinking i have any clue as to my post-partum plans (despite the fact that i do, by sheer luck), she approaches EVERY conversation with me in this "i know everything about everything and you are just a stupid child" attitude that i am so fucking sick of. i swear her ego has inflated itself to unsustainable proportions... as my favorite co-worker says, "she's just a glorified secretary." and it's funny because it's true. ms. queen of hell is not, in fact, in charge of anything but three relatively-submissive women who all hate her. so even as i pity her pathetic excuse for a career and self-image, i have to bend my speech and actions around her in order not to bring shit down on myself. it's such a bullshit system.

i cannot wait to get out of here! thanks, little bean. you will save the day sometime.

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