week 9+

whew. lots of creative energy lately... too bad my stomach squelches it into mushy, uncomfortable blah-soup before i get to use it! >:( my comeuppance will come though; and on that day i will eat the most stomach-unfriendly food i can find AND knit a project out of vengeance!

today has been rough for some reason. i'm drinking my tea but i just have grumbles in my belly and don't feel good. and i definitely didn't get enough sleep (though the sacrifice was worth it, if you know what i mean).

i didn't notice it before, so i'm not sure it's a new phenomenon, but also my boobs are tingling today. like every now and then they go "bzzzzz" out of nowhere, like a little electric shock.

i've been thinking that since i know about 5 other pregnant chicks within 2 months of me, most of whom will be going back to work post-baby, maybe i will offer to be childcare for them? it would be a convenient way to make some money and socialize little bean all at the same time, and they can have their kids taken care of without the creepy public slime of a daycare center. of course that's assuming my house is clean and in order by then. which it will be. i dunno, i'm going to keep thinking about it. it's pretty appealing at this point...

ok but i just feel icky right now and i'm going to stop writing this. blah. BLAH!

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