nutritional questions again

i spent a long while yesterday reviewing the weston a. price pregnancy diet again. the more i think about it the more i really start to think i should be eating more "native" style foods... so this weekend when i go shopping i am going to do my very best to make sure i am stocked up to start eating the following items:

-fermented grains (oatmeal soaked overnight before cooking, homemade sourdough bread)
-organic kefir (milk fermented with a special grain to make it probiotic)
-aged holey cheeses... wine & cheese, here i come!
-cultured veggies (like kimchee and homemade sauerkrauts, etc)
-cultured butter
-more fish ...northwest seafood, wee!
-and i have to make fish stock from the bones and use it in broths.

i know it sounds gross, but i am being open about it. the main thing is that i need to STOP eating pre-prepared anything and get serious about doing everything from scratch. if matt had made me that cheese press yet i'd be doing that myself too! alas. artisan-made will have to suffice.

what i will not do, however, is eat cod liver oil. or any kind of liver. gross! i realize it's the best source of (real) vitamin A, but it's also a toxin filter.

i'm transitioning now by trying to eat as much salad and fruits and veggies as possible. since i'm hungry 24/7 that's not too hard. and oddly enough, i am really interested in fish broth! mmmm miso soup (fermented soy + fish stock = yum). i also haven't been very picky lately unless i'm craving something. the other night i thought i was going to die without tacos. i made some when i got home but sadly they weren't precisely how i wanted them to be, so i remain unsatisfied as of yet.

and now i'm hungry just thinking about food! where'd those grapes go...

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