a name

i've been thinking about names quite a bit lately--mostly girl names--and all at once on saturday it was very clear what i will be naming this bean if she turns out to be a girl.

at ward's i walked by my favorite dairy-section dude who was telling his friend that he has a baby on the way, and he's going to name her "willow" (one of my top 5 girl names)... i told him i had been thinking the same thing, but since he picked first i wouldn't be a copycat. one down.

so then on the way home i just sort of opened my brain up to let names float in, and POOF! something told me in no uncertain terms that my daughter will be named Lily Evelyn. Lily because i like it, it's a flower/nature name, has no biblical associations, and it reminds me of favorite movie number 2 (legend). Evelyn because that is my grandmother's first name which no one ever calls her by. my grandmother was quite the inspiration back in her day. i haven't mentioned this to matt yet, but i can't imagine him disagreeing with me on it. and i don't care if he does, frankly.

so, i'm not sure what to do if this kid is a boy! i told matt i wanted him to pick, but he's still stuck on Dorian... *sigh* it's a good name but far too pretentious in my opinion. maybe i'll be struck with a lightning inspiration for that, too...

ps--i want tacos. now. crap!

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