the certified letter

i got a note on my door on 9/24 that a certified letter was waiting for me, but (assuming it was a credit-related harassment) i didn't bother to pick it up until yesterday... to my total shock, and incidentally, amusement, it was a letter from All About Women, the OB/CNM office i went to a few weeks ago.

wondering what the hell they would be sending to me via certified mail, i opened it right there in the post office and immediately burst out laughing:

September 18, 2008

Dear Ms. x,

This letter is to inform you that you are being discharged as a patient of [name], CNM. You are being dismissed for the following reasons:
1. We have a difference in philosophy of care.
2. [something about how they want me to be happy with blah blah] and I do not feel that we can give you the kind of care that you desire.
The rest of the letter was letting me know i have 30 days to see them again "for emergencies only" and that they strongly suggest i find a new provider ASAP.


i didn't even know they could do that!! i've never heard of a doctor "dismissing" a patient. all i can say is i'm glad our philosophical disagreement was clearly not just in my head... however it is quite disturbing to me that they outed me on the simple basis that i questioned the medical necessity of the procedures they wanted to do to me. that was the ONLY thing i did that could possibly have turned her off. i was polite and engaged, but i asked questions and didn't acquiesce with everything she said they'd be doing.

and she's a midwife for f***'s sake! but apparently she doesn't believe in women's ability to dictate their own pregnancies and births despite that...

beware of questioning your doctors. they might decide not to see you anymore! :D

1 Response to "the certified letter"

  1. Loren Says:

    I always wondered what the story was behind the framed letter in Rowan's room! Which, btw, I found to be awesome and laughed at too! I thought immediately, "Good for you! At least you know you were doing something right."

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