week 11

feeling overall way better than before, but i still have "icky" feelings after eating sometimes (probably because there is too much old food just sitting in my abdomen!). like right now. blah.

mood swings are pretty common, i'm not very patient and when i get frustrated i can't help but get tantrumy... like last night i was tired after all that cleaning and dust and i wanted to take a bath and go to bed, but matt was doing laundry and we have no water pressure... i thought i was going to die because he asked me to wait for the laundry ("it'll only be a few minutes")... i just wanted to scream and cry and stomp my feet. 53 minutes later i got in the bath. i will not get into what happened with the drain malfunction and the (lack of) hot water in there, but suffice it to say it did nothing to improve my mood.

still having libido excess also, though i really can't complain about that. verrrry strange dreams last night of a related nature.

my belly is definitely becoming defined now too. i'm starting to actually look pregnant and not just pudgy. it's too round for pudge.

and related to the mood swing thing, i have serious trouble getting to work in the morning. i don't know what is going on with me, but the bike ride has become a hundred times more difficult than it was a few weeks ago... i get tired, my muscles burn, and i just feel like i can't keep going... and then i start getting frustrated that i have to keep going and that i want to give up in the first place. so i'm cranky, fatigued, and sweaty and hating my life every morning on the way to work. i don't see how jogging can be easier and biking can be so difficult at the same time!

so i'm examining bus routes and, lo and behold, the bus that comes to my side of town
1) does not go to campus, meaning i'd have to transfer downtown
2) it would take me an entire HOUR to get 3 miles to the downtown station where i have to transfer to the campus bus
3) in order to make it to work on time i would have to be at my bus stop at 6am, which would put me at work at 715. i work at 8. that's a TWO HOUR bus ride when i live only 5 miles away!

i can't fucking believe the city gets away with screwing the "east side" like that... one fucking bus route per hour that doesn't even arrive at a reasonable time. so i have no idea what i'm going to do... i mean, the prospect of two hours' worth of knitting time every morning is very slightly appealing, but at the same time it's total bullshit.

anyway. i have my next appointment at the birth center next monday, so i am excited about that. matt will be able to come this time too :)

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