[exit nausea, with a flourish]

i've developed a habit of drinking juice as soon as i wake up every morning (orange, apple, grape, whatever), which is not something i could do pre-pregnancy; juice on an empty stomach always made me sick. but i've been fine so far... until today.

today at 530am i had a big, tasty glass of organic grape juice, put matt's dinner in the oven and went back to sleep a little longer. 30 minutes later i walked back into the kitchen and on the way had to run into the bathroom... to vomit vibrant purple stomach juice. it was pretty shocking, considering i haven't been sick once during this pregnancy!

afterwards i felt fine, and i haven't had any issues today, so i'm thinking that was just a last-ditch effort on the part of my nausea to make its presence felt. and now it's gone :).

i am, however, craving sugar! or rather, sugary pastry-like foods. yesterday i really wanted pink fluffy bubble gum for some reason. i ate papaya instead. today it's "sugar" so i am trying to substitute orange juice, but that all-natural blondie in my desk keeps looking better and better...

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