week 16

well, i am waiting for nate to send me scans of the polaroids he has been taking of my belly. the last one was pretty disturbing to see! i don't feel that fat, but boy was the picture screaming "look at that belly!" ah well, at least i have proof the baby is growing like it's supposed to.

today someone (who knows i am pregnant) said "awww you are getting a belly!" and i wasn't sure whether to be appreciative that somebody knows it isn't fat or whine that everybody else probably thinks it is. but i am wearing this cute, kinda tight sweater/dress thing with pants under it, and i noticed in the bathroom mirror that my pants are creating an indent around the waistband because THEY ARE TOO TIGHT NOW! cue the rubber band trick (thanks karen)!

babycenter.com says: "Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length..." and apparently i am now supposed to be gaining a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy! i only gained 1 pound between weeks 8 and 12 though, so we'll see on wednesday how much i've gained between 12 and 16. probably 5 pounds. sheesh.

but--completely unrelated to my weight gain--i need to start walking or biking again. since it's been getting dark earlier i stopped my evening walks, but i know realize i can't afford to. my legs are sore as $%^& after an early morning... ah, shall we say, exertion? seriously. my legs should not be this sore from that. and i've noticed that i get really dizzy and winded walking up stairs. my heart pounds.

i know this is all normal pregnancy stuff but i should be helping by getting more exercise. and i need to eat more veggies. this baby is really into protein and fat, so those tend to be the first things i reach for when i get hungry!

and i have become officially--and intimately--acquainted with that thing 'they' term "pregnancy brain." oh yes. like the world just broke apart into puzzle pieces and i am a monkey with 5 thumbs who can't figure out how to put it back together. logic no longer travels in a straight line. all is confusion and befuddlement. it would be funny if i wasn't most definitely frustrating the people around me... haha.

so. we're going down to west palm beach to hang out with matt's mom, brother, his new wife, their new baby, his kid, and her kid for thanksgiving. it should be interesting... the family just went from one grandchild to 3.5 in a matter of months! but we are renting a car so this might end up being the first comfortable drive to south florida i've made since lauren moved to texas. plus it will be a nice holiday just to get out of the house for a few days... maybe i will get to stick my feet in the ocean for once... *yearn*

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