random thoughts

#1: it occurred to me yesterday that my moodiness is totally gone. apparently. i haven't been in very many anger-inducing situations lately so maybe i'm just lucky and avoiding it! but seriously i feel pretty even-tempered and human again... it's nice.

#2: again with the boobs... since i think about them all the time (because they tingle and twitch and ache and jiggle) i remembered that back when i had my nipples pierced years ago, the piercer told me they were "a little bit inverted" which i realize now he was totally wrong about but it gave me a complex for a short period nonetheless! they are SO not inverted at all. these days they stick out like 20ft, too... even slightly inverted nipples do not do that. it just kinda pissed me off that he made me feel 'different' when i'm not, and never was. noob.

#3: i found a really amazing tarot spread for "communicating with an unborn baby" today. it goes like this:




(cup/uterus shape)

1 = the father's gift to the baby
2 = the mother's gift to the baby
3 = baby's best strength
4 = the baby's biggest challenge
5 = the baby's mission on earth
6 = the baby's support on earth

isn't that neato? i'm excited to do it. i need my spiritual cohorts (*ahem* karen, traci?) to properly execute it though, so it will have to wait for the right time.

#4: i went to bed at 630 last night--yes, 630--and i was still tired this morning. 11+ hours of sleep. still tired. wtf??

#5: all i can think about today is the veggie chili i am going to make after work. that and ice cream. mmmmmmmmm chili...

#6: so nate is obsessed with this and i have agreed to participate for both our benefit. (does there need to be an "s" in there somewhere? seems like it.) he wants to do them in sequence of rainbow colors with the last one of baby+me being white... it'll be another cute thing to hang on the wall in the nursery, AND it will save me from having to take more awful pics of my own belly. woot!

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