baby room thoughts, edits?

it occurred to me yesterday that i can't just design the baby's room how i want it to be... i have to take into account the fact that this kid will (probably/hopefully) be a taurus, and they have specific tastes! my whimsical, wild faerie theme may not be the right sort of thing for a steadfast and practical earth baby. taurus like lavish, comfortable, and warm surroundings.

the elaborate and textured tree still works perfectly, so that's great, but i realize i have to modify the plan with regards to painting all the froud creatures. while a taurus will certainly "get" the woodland creature thing (being an earth sign), they are just too ephemeral, i'm afraid. and i was planning to paint them all about in a random way, which is again not very taurus-friendly.

so: rethinking in terms of structure, balance, and just-so-ness. lucky for me i share the ruling planet of venus and all her preference for comfort and beauty, so we're on the same page there. i just have to tone down the random factor. the main thing is that i'm thinking this should be a springtime woodland, not fall (as is MY preference). baby is a spring baby, not an autumn sign like me. so the tree needs new growth, pretty green leaves, and maybe even a couple of flowers.

the problem is what, if anything, do i use to create interest on the other walls? the tree will be one entire corner plus wall and ceiling space on each side... is that enough, with a few framed photos on the other walls? i don't want to crowd the space, but "lavish" is important.

the color scheme is really giving me trouble too. taurus is great with earth tones and pastels, so that's easy enough, but i can't decide whether to paint the walls a pale green (my preference) or a blue. definitely not tan; i will incorporate plenty of earth tones via furniture and other stuff. so overall i'm thinking dark browns, tans, and pale blue and greens... i just can't decide on the wall color.

i'm also thinking that hanging little birds above the crib would be good. i will have some kind of mobile strung up anyway, but i think floating birds would be a nice distracting and sweet addition. and i have to remember to add blocks to my registry--taurus "the builder" will want some to play with. what a perfect son for matt, to share his need for (and skill at) material creation.

2 Response to "baby room thoughts, edits?"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I think it should be Africa motif as Africa is the cradle of human life. =P
    And you can paint shit-tons of awesome animals that will 1) inspire inspiration and 2) not be silly faeries.


  2. rhiannon Says:

    i see, so i need a room that will "inspire inspiration" eh, ms. redundant pants?

    lol. if so many nurseries weren't safari-themed i might consider it. that and it's easy to confuse "african" with "zoo" which i'm not ok with. no faeries though, we've moved on from that.

    a really real african room with actual african stuff would be freakin awesome though.

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