matt's crazy name ideas

ok people, i need help. matt keeps coming up with insane, definitely-going-to-be-made-fun-of style names for the baby should it end up a boy. it's clear he wants something unusual, possibly historical, and somewhat dramatic... but i draw the line at 'biblical.' no way i'm going there.

so far he has suggested:
...and something else crazy that i can't remember.

clearly aidan is a fine celtic name, and if i have to settle on dorian i will, but he is really into "abel." you know, like the pacifist first child of adam and eve who was killed by his evil brother. not quite the sort of association i'd choose for the name of my son...

but matt--of course--doesn't seem to like anything on the long list of reasonable names i have compiled.

so if anybody has any relatively-odd but not totally lame ideas that you wouldn't mind sharing please do! preferably nothing that makes us seem like we're amish or mormon. thanks :)

2 Response to "matt's crazy name ideas"

  1. vikingluau Says:

    More crazyish names:

  2. rhiannon Says:


    i have a friend with a baby named gannon, plus he's the villian from zelda(!!!), so i'm not really down with that...

    but i bet matt will like lucian and sage is great! thanks :)

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