
i came here intending to write about the full moon gathering last night that was really awesome despite me not actually wanting to go initially... but then there was a comment waiting for approval which completely threw me off track.

i realize that blogs are public entities and i have deliberately allowed anonymous and unregistered commentary because, well, why not? but i am surprised that someone would come here, read my (mostly very personal) posts, and then decide to leave a nasty message about how i'm crazy for having a preference in how my baby is born. or that a friend has emotional difficulties with the experience of the birth she just had.

i know there are plenty of flamers (as in those-who-inflame, not gay men) on the internet, but for some reason i just didn't expect that here. is there really so little respect for other people's perspectives? and so little compassion for someone dealing with a traumatic experience?

while of course, a healthy baby and healthy mom are the goal of every birth, it's not always just about the end result. the journey DOES matter--to some people, at least.

please comment freely, and honestly, but please do it respectfully. that isn't too much to ask--and after all, you are on MY blog.

1 Response to "bothered"

  1. vikingluau Says:

    oh yuck, that's the internet for ya. still interested in hearing about the full moon gathering, if you fancy posting about it!

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