rowan update

her ear infection HAD returned, and doc wanted her to take the rest of the antibiotics from before. he finally explained that it had been 'the wrong kind of rash' for an allergic reaction previously, so i said ok and he made me promise to watch her and call him right away if any rash or swelling showed up, and to give her the benadryl stuff right away. ugh. apparently the alternative antibiotic would make her already-bad diarrhea worse, and he didn't want to risk that.

that was monday, and she's been fine. no signs of a reaction, and seems to be getting less-cranky by the day, though let me tell you it's been rough. she's waking at 6am everyday (unusual for her), she hasn't been napping (also very unusual) and not only that she's been throwing these little kicking temper-tantrums over stupid things which she has NEVER done before. i think being sick really threw her off. even bedtime has been rough recently... she gets really mad about going in the crib (anytime) and i have to get her calmed down before i can walk away (but at least i can still walk away). today was the first day she's napped in at least a week. last night she was so tired at dinner--at 4pm, mind you--that she actually fell asleep with her face in her plate. it was hilarious and i should've got a photo of it.

incidentally, my mom is sick with some mystery disease. she's been feverish and having pain in her diaphragm for a few days plus headache, and last night a crazy rash broke out all over her... they thought it was west nile, of all things, but today at an unrelated dermatology appt the doc said no way in FL, and no idea what it is. she's going for blood work tomorrow i guess. but between the delicate preemie grandchild, me pregnant, and rowan under the weather, we are all desperately hoping whatever it is isn't contagious. that would make this the worst july ever, i think.

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