p o o p

so during her nap this morning, rowan removed her diaper COMPLETELY and got her hands all up in some blueberry poo. which of course meant it was also on her clothes, her sheets, and her crib bumper... i really, really hope this isn't the start of a new habit, because i can't deal with washing her entire bed AND giving her a bath every morning!!

i'm thinking that it's time for some potty training though. if she hates it enough to take the damn thing off when it's soiled, she shouldn't be wearing a diaper... the only problem is that she really only poops when she's asleep, so i'm not sure how i will teach her to use the potty??

after that fiasco (and i am watching the 8 year old today too, mind you), we went outside to tend the animals and found one of our dogs in her crate totally covered in nasty dog diarrhea. *sigh* i let her out and the first thing she did was shake wet dog crap all over me. in my eye, even. really nice. so i had to hose her and her cage off and then come back inside to wash out rowan's blueberry CLOTH diaper before i had the luxury of bathing the stinky, gross dog poo off of myself.

if there isn't something in my horoscope today about shit, i might just give up on astrology. i hope this is the end of it...

ok, i have never heard of this before but apparently dog shit in the eyes can be a serious problem if there are round worm eggs in it... ocular larva migrans or something and it can cause blindness?? wtf? of course i googled "dog poop in eyes" and got some ridiculous yahoo answers, but shockingly few (ONE) people asking the question. now i'm paranoid and washing my eye with sea salt because it has felt weird ever since. maybe i should go have that cry i've been needing...

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