good news and herbal stuff

little mister has turned himself around (yay!). i'm not totally willing to give credit to the chiro, since *most* babies turn by 32 weeks anyway, but it couldn't have hurt. mister is posterior, however, so we just need to hope he rotates in place or i might be in for a really nasty labor :). but better than breech! last night i put the headphones down below my belly bulge and he went crazy kicking and punching, and i could feel him trying to get down there closer to it. i was playing mice parade, as it was the only happy/pleasant music on matt's mp3 player at the moment. he seemed to have liked it.

sarah was great today, and really glad to hear that debbie is coming by to meet us. i knew she wouldn't be hurt or anything, because i have been up front from the beginning, but i still felt bad... she agreed with my hunch that the BC is just not going to work out for me, though. as soon as i said it she said "that's kinda my feeling too" and i think we were both relieved. so it all depends on what happens monday, i guess.

she did tell me that her supervisor actually wrote a personal note to the OB about me and left it at his office, and she seemed really confused about the fact that i was told to 'go see him and good luck,' as apparently they are pushing for me, and haven't thrown me to the wolves. wtf?! it would seem communication is horrendously broken down between the three of us. but even so, sarah isn't hopeful about his response, so it probably changes nothing.

she prescribed me some serious iron pills for my anemia which i have thus far been unable to bring myself to ingest, as iron has historically freaked out my system (nausea, vomiting, constipation). i know i need to, but i'm just not up for feeling as bad as they make me feel. today she told me that she had a "flash" about me that was really strong, that i should take chlorophyll instead. so i just bought some online--chlorophyll, garlic pills, and a ginger/turmeric combo. apparently chlorophyll is at least as good as iron pills for upping hemoglobin and it has a lot of other happy benefits, like reducing the amount of dioxin in breast milk and making one odor-free (which i will need postpartum--ugh, the breastfeeding b.o. from hell!). allegedly it chelates heavy metals and other wild claims too, but the fact that it's green is good enough for me :). i'll probably start taking some spirulina too.

my concern with this lovely supplement is based on conflicting information. it seems to be an abundant source of vitamin K--which makes blood clot better--and yet is touted as a "blood thinner??" if the latter is true, great. if the former, i might need to be careful... but certainly they can't both be true unless it is a general blood 'tonic' which is a whole different ball game. i bought the garlic and ginger/turmeric for postpartum usage as they ARE blood thinners and i need to be ready to manage my potential for thrombosis right away... i guess i could just eat strong curry 3x a day, but i don't think matt would appreciate it very much, hehe. i also found this site where he says to drink three cups of yarrow (i grow my own!), nettles, and horsetail tea every day, so i'm going to try to do that to. worst case, i will be well-hydrated and have great hair!*

totally unrelated, did i mention i got stung by a scorpion IN MY KITCHEN last night?? holy crap that hurt more than i expected, but at least it was short lived. for about 8 minutes i thought my toe was going to balloon and explode, it was numb and on fire at the same time... and then it was gone. no more pain, no mark, nothing. really weird, and disturbing that he was in my house. it was a big one considering the runts we mostly have here in florida.

anyway. i'm feeling really good about things today, even with uncertainty still looming. it must be because i know what the outcomes will be either way... and the baby is vertex... and i'm ready to deal with whatever he wants me to purge re: rowan's birth. that post is coming soon, i think. gonna go take a bath and muse with birthing from within for a while.

*nettles and horsetail are fantastic supplements for hair growth, shine, and strength.

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