iron issues

there was an update, i forgot. when sarah took my blood at 20 or so weeks, my iron was borderline (which i am sure i mentioned). i had already been eating red meat at that point though, and i cook exclusively with cast iron, so i was kinda surprised. now i have another blood test this tuesday and i am pretty worried that my iron might have dropped... with rowan, i was anemic the entire time i was pregnant, so it's not unlikely.

but i have a plan. starting today i am guzzling nettle tea, i'm taking my herbal iron 2x a day with vitamin c, drinking oj and/or pineapple juice, and i plan to eat a big steak monday night along with as many dark leafy greens as i can fit on my plate. no coffee tuesday morning, either. if these things don't boost my iron so i 'pass the test' then nothing will (though midwives in the uk seem to recommend a pint of guinness every day for iron...hmm...). yes, my homebirth hinges on something so stupid as this.

(i understand the risk of low iron is for postpartum hemorrhage consequences, however, i have a BLOOD CLOTTING FACTOR that makes it highly unlikely i would bleed out anyway!)

the only reason i am even doing this blood test is for the rh sensitization test, because i want to be sure it is safe to refuse rhogam this time around. of course i'm not doing the glucose test either, but that's another thing and covered elsewhere.

trying to think strong, red, metallic thoughts because this is all making me a tad bit anxious. if anybody has ideas for fast iron boosting (i've googled it in 10 different ways) please let me know!

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