diaper rash and other troubles

this has been a really crappy month! i didn't post anything about it, but a few weeks ago rowan had a horrifying diaper rash complete with tiny little open wounds, which of course woke her screaming in pain the first morning such that all i could do was plop her in the bath and try to calm her poor little hysteria. that went on for about two days, thanks to some disgustingly awful diarrhea, which i later chalked up to a rotavirus she must have picked up at the river (they say these things are endemic to the waterways, and there were a ton of kids all in the same play area). anyway, it passed and she was fine with no other symptoms.

then the runny nose for two days, which lead to the ear infection. you already know about that fiasco.

she's also teething on at least two canines which i know are bothering her intermittently, despite her tough constitution. she teethes well, but these are different. the problem is, i can't tell if she is uncomfortable because her teeth hurt or because her ear is hurting again--ear pulling is a normal teething sign, too. same with the tummy stuff.

now, the diarrhea has returned along with its lovely companion, Miss Sore Bloody Bum. it's AWFUL! she was miserable all day yesterday, and i'm starting to think it might be yeast-rash because of what i read on the internets (and because her usual diaper rash episodes are so mild and clearly different). she did just take heavy-duty antibiotics, and yeast overgrowth is a likely possibility. her appetite is great, so i don't think it's a virus or anything. i've been working on a baby bum balm for twink recently, so i whipped up a final version yesterday since her zinc cream wasn't doing crap and seemed maybe to be unpleasant for her... used it last night before bed (then poop issues, bath, balm, and bed again). i also cut out her milk for now and gave her a bath in oats, calendula, and yarrow last night. her butt is about 80% better today! i'm sure it's a combination of everything, but the stuff i made definitely had an impact. i'm just glad she seems to be in less pain...

but this ear thing concerns me. so i'm taking her back to the doc today to make sure the infection didn't return... i don't really want to, but i think it's a smart idea. the other trouble is that my cousin's kid is freaking sick now, here breathing on all our stuff, rubbing his snotty nose and touching things. UGH! so i'm sure we'll have a sneezy, sniffly little crankypants girl in a few days. she resisted my cold but something tells me she won't be so lucky this time. damn me for not having any hand sanitizer in the house!! (never thought i'd say that.)

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