is it possible?

i'd like to qualify this post by saying right off the bat that i am hyper-aware of my body and its doings, so while i may be misinterpreting certain changes, they ARE happening for one reason or another. on with the text...

all of a sudden the past two days i am noticing a tight springiness in my lower abdomen. it's like the 2x enlargement of my uterus that just happened is suddenly tangible, and it's pressing on my gut walls. by no stretch of the imagination do i have a "bump" (curse the term) but i can feel... something... pushing out. maybe i'm just bloated since my digestive tract seems to be operating at 15% efficiency. and my bladder is always full!

either way, i think i've already gained a little bit of weight around the belly area despite eating super-healthy and exercising moderately. i lost a few pounds the first few weeks, but it seems that phase is over. i probably just shouldn't even think about it, since i'm supposed to be gaining weight anyway!

oh and note to self: you do NOT like the grouper tacos at the top. yes, they are tasty, but the belly said 'yuck!'

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