ice cream and jogging

over the weekend i broke down completely... not raw, not even vegan... i ate real ice cream. *blush*

but it was sooooo goooood and i wanted it more than i should have. i wouldn't quite call it a "craving" except that i drove 15 miles to get it. i've been ok since, so i'm thinking it was just a one-time freak incident. i hope it was.

but i find myself having tons more stamina than usual when i'm running, and i don't know if it's the extra blood volume or just me getting used to running more often... but it's awesome. i run, i get winded, i walk for a second, and then i can run all over again like i wasn't just panting heavily. and i'm talking outdoor running, not on a treadmill; usually i suck horribly at running outdoors and my body just hurts from all the stomping and up-and-down jerking, but lately i can do it with no problem. i'm taking advantage of that as much as possible.

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