the car problem: solved!

i'm not sure if i posted anything about this, but over the last 6 months matt has had terrible luck with our 04 nissan frontier. first he t-boned someone (their fault) and trashed the front end completely, which we ended up having to pay for due to technical legal issues, and then a few months later some dumb biznatch rear-ended the hell out of him and smashed the back bad enough to bend the frame... so we have been without a car for a month, borrowing a friend's extra vehicle (bless them for their patience with us).

well... we've been tugged around by GEICO and the auto repair people while they decided what to do about it, and as of today they cut us a check for several thousand dollars and totaled the nissan. while i am sad to lose it, i am relieved that we finally can get a replacement!

so that's good, and then matt calls me to let me know his mother has decided to trade us her 04-05(?) ford explorer sport trac--the ones with the little pickup beds in the back--for the money from GEICO so she can buy herself a new car. it's perfect! her car is in fantastic condition and worth much more than we are giving her for it, and it's the exact mix of car/truck to make both of matt and i happy. and i think it even has a sun roof :) :)

i'm seriously so happy about this. i was not looking forward to scouring craig's list for a deal...

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