31 weeks

no pics lately; i should be able to post one next week after the 'photo shoot.' speaking of which, it is time to take some REAL pics... like the nice ones the photography studios are always trying to sell us... i just have to figure out how and where and what i want them to look like. i think i have two willing photographers, so i should be able to get two perspectives :)

physically things have been changing a little... though i feel huge relative to my non-pregnant size, as a pregnant chick i actually feel like my belly is not that big. neighbors and friends were/are MUCH bigger than me around the same time. i'm not worried or anything, it's just interesting.

she thumps and bumps and practices kickboxing all the time, but so far no rib shots or other painful assaults, which is nice. she seems pretty gentle even when she's really active.

my feet HATE it when i stand or walk for more than a few minutes at a time, and my legs don't like to get out of chairs, and usually i will get a cramp in my belly if i walk too fast... but those are the only real annoyances i'm dealing with. that and the mildly-swollen ankles most of the time. oh and i'm developing a massive bruise on my ribs where my stupid bra cuts into it, but i still don't want to buy new ones yet. it's impossible to say how much the bosom will change after birth...

OH! friend in labor today! her water broke at 5am and she is at the hospital now. i'm waiting for updates.

we start our childbirth education classes on thursday night, so that will be interesting. we may be meeting with the "other" midwives beforehand, just for a chat, depending on matt's feelings about it.

oh, another thing changing lately: i've been craving--as much as i get cravings--vegetables and fruit. i just want piles of fresh veggies and every fruit i can get my hands on. frozen peaches are heaven. just talking about it i had to go get an apple! i'm tempted to convert to raw food now, just because it's all i want to eat. (ohhh carrots. why don't i have any carrots?!)

other than that, nothing much is new. just hanging in there, waiting for the big day.

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