week 18

whew i had a busy weekend. so did matt, actually.

in a combined effort, we managed to:
-print 30 shirts (with different designs!)
-cook, peel, and can all the sweet potatoes from our garden--about 9 jars worth
-get an amazing deal on a huge chest freezer for food storage
-clean out and organize the laundry and printing rooms
-paint the nursery
-cook a whole chicken, make it into stock, make that into soup, and can it
-bake a peach cobbler
-(accidentally) create the perfect facial scrub

...and we still had time to get groceries. impressive, no?

as for the baby update, today i am t i r e d and i'm not sure why. maybe just the weekend catching up to me. i think i felt it moving from outside my belly the other day though--i was laying in bed watching a childbirth course DVD (not a very good one) and i had my hand on my belly, and i felt these two distinct jabs that i am sure weren't gas. gas doesn't poke you! so that was really fun, i just wish matt had been there to catch it. i felt it again in the car on sunday through my seatbelt.

i've been feeling good except for continuing headaches and i've noticed my belly is really growing. it's pretty itchy too even though i keep it slathered in greasy substances. same with my boobs... still tingling, still too big, and now an added bonus (TMI WARNING): i can actually make the tiniest amount of clear liquid come out if i really try. that was a suprising discovery! then i started worrying that if i mess with it i won't have any colostrum left for the baby, but turns out that's totally wrong, and reassuring.

haha. funny things happen when you're pregnant. seriously. but i can hardly contain myself waiting to find out the baby's sex! 2 more weeks. also i've been having some really minor and momentary mood swings, like all of a sudden i'll get bored or tired or impatient about something and just feel snippy. i try not to act on them but matt is psychic (damnit!) so he can tell even if i don't say anything. and then i feel bad for being cranky, which doesn't help. but overall it has been a minor irritation and only when i am not alone. which isn't often these days.

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