snarky responses breastfeeding aversion

oh how many of these wonderful, witty, and downright GOOD replies i have found...

for the record: while it is obvious from all sorts of research (and common sense--really) that breastfeeding, and breastmilk, are the best choices available, it is very unfortunately true that some women just can't do it for all sorts of reasons. blame it on their cultural upbringing, our societal sexualization of the breast to the point that we are all closet pervs, their insecurity in the face of criticism, family pressures, or real physical impediments; it just doesn't work for everybody. just because i wouldn't feed *my* baby formula doesn't mean it's not the best option for other people, and that they shouldn't have the right to choose as they like. that is my stance on it--personal choice is everything.

now, having stated my completely truthful disclaimer, let's get down to business! it should be apparent that i intend to breastfeed, at least until i can't anymore. i was a "biter" which is why my mom quit, and i have friends whose kids weaned themselves, and i can imagine i might just get sick of it after a while; i do know that i will not be an extended BFer. as much as i want to be totally open to it, i know already it's not for me... i personally wouldn't be comfortable continuing the nursing relationship past the point at which children start to develop long term memory. i'd be pretty disturbed as an adult if i could still remember my mom's boobs being in my mouth. anyway... back to the point...

so yes, i will be breastfeeding like a champ just like my mom and her mom (thank you good genes!) and naturally this means there will come a time at which i must do so in public. gainesville is a happy hippie place, so maybe things won't be so bad here--however, in addition to the easy-going pot-smoking older crowd, there are also hordes of 18 year old girls and boys who haven't yet developed their neocortexes to the point that they can process complex ideas and register things like boobs do not always equal sex--but i am trying to prepare myself for the most likely inevitable rude comments, stares, etc to a woman feeding a baby from her body in public. so i've been stashing clever responses :)

love these!

responses to "when are you going to wean?" #1 and #2

my all-time favorites:

rude person: Can you please cover yourself while doing that?

proud mama: Oh, I’m sorry. Would you also mind throwing a blanket over yourself while you eat that slab of meat on your plate? (the vegetarian comeback)


“I’m sorry that using my breasts for their intended purpose rather than as sexual objects makes you uncomfortable.”


Q: “Could you possibly do that in a restroom?”

A: “No, but if you don’t like it then you can always go into the restroom while my child finishes eating.”


FYI, in florida there is are statutes (383.015, 800.02, 827.071) which explicitly state a few helpful things:

- A mother may breastfeed her baby in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether the nipple of the mother's breast is uncovered during or incidental to the breastfeeding.
- exclude breastfeeding from various sexual offenses, such as lewdness, indecent exposure, and sexual conduct.

apparently a lot of women carry around a card with the laws on it in case anybody tries to make them leave, cover up, go to another room, etc. no one is allowed to make you do that.

of course, i certainly won't be flaunting my bosoms all about town, but hey, babies have to eat too, and i'm glad to know i don't have to hide it. plenty of people walk around in what i consider to be disgusting or inappropriate clothing/appearances all the time, but that is their right--if it bothers me, i look away. they can too.


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