my birth plan

this is really laughable considering i have no intention of being in the hospital, and if i am, it will be for an unavoidable c-section... but nonetheless, here is my birth plan. i hope it helps somebody else make one and not be afraid to be blunt. yes, the hospital will hate me if i end up there, but let them try to mess with me and they will see why someone once told me "you are kali."

Rhiannon and Matthew X
Due Date: May 11, 2009

Birthing Location:

* Birth Center of Gainesville (unless forced to leave)
* In hospital
o Private room, no more than one staff caregiver in the room at any time
o Access to bathtub, low/no lighting, and quiet, with door closed and electronics off as possible
o Will wear my own clothing
o Access to food and water or juice as desired
o Do not offer medications of any kind
o Minimal to no talking, no touching mother unless asked
o NO IV except in life-threatening emergency or caesarean

Starting/Inducing/Augmenting Labor:

* No induction unless medically necessary and not based on due date concerns. Only ‘natural’ (walking, sexual stimulation, acupressure, etc).
* NO amniotomy
* NO pitocin, cervidil, or cytotec or other chemical induction

Labor Monitoring:

* Minimal – No constant monitoring of any kind.
* Cervical checks only when mother agrees. No routine hourly checks.
* NO internal fetal monitoring.

Pain Management:

* Changing positions, warm bath, massage, hot/cold compresses, mental relaxation, etc
* NO epidural, spinal, narcotics, or other pharmaceutical pain management during labor. DO NOT OFFER.


* Spontaneous or exhale only; no directed pushing.
* Positions – prefer to squat, use ball, open to suggestions. No “stranded beetle” whatsoever.
* Perineal massage (by husband or midwife/doula only), hot compresses
* No forceps. No vaccuum. No fundal pressure.

After labor:

* Uninterrupted contact with mother for at least one full hour
* DO NOT CUT UMBILICAL CORD. Placenta to be delivered naturally and left intact and attached to baby.
* Skin-to-skin warming of newborn – no confinement, no heated plastic boxes
* Immediate attempt to establish nursing
* NO vitamin K, no silver nitrate, no PKU, no antibiotics.
* Bath after first hour or so, performed by self/husband/midwife
* “Rooming in” – no nursery or separation whatsoever. No bottles, no pacifiers!
* In the case of perineal repairs needed, localized anesthesia (Novocain, etc) requested prior to stitching

Emergency caesarean:

* ONLY IF MOTHER OR BABY WILL DIE WITHOUT IT. Midwife’s/doula’s input to be considered seriously.
* No general anesthesia; regional analgesia only. Mother will be awake and alert throughout.
* Husband and midwife present in OR
* Immediate contact with newborn, leave cord intact until pulsing stops, shared recovery of mother/baby
* See “After labor” for additional guidelines

2 Response to "my birth plan"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    People will hate me for this... but reading this has made me realize (even more so) that birthing and pregnancy is G-R-O-S-S!!!!!

    barf. I hope I never ever have to make one of this demand thingies.

  2. rhiannon Says:

    lol hate you? that's why i love you, 'ms. sunshine and kittens herself.'

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