38 weeks tomorrow

yesterday really sucked. aside from a lovely visit with debbie, that is. poor rowan was not able (willing?) to nap at all, so she was whiny and cranky and nothing-makes-me-happy--which she never is--all freaking day. and i had stuff to do, which of course she was not having. so she was stressed, i was stressed, and we were both exhausted but couldn't sleep. i had been up all night before that with freakish amounts of energy such that i laid in bed thinking "i should just get up and do stuff" every 2 hours or so. but i didn't, knowing i needed to at least try to sleep... but it didn't make me any less tired yesterday. i was an emotional wreck all day. rowan ended up going to bed around 4pm because she couldn't keep her eyes open, but of course that was really too early, so she woke up frustrated a few times before it got dark out. but she slept through the night after that, to my great surprise.

today is the polar opposite, thank the heavens. she's on her second nap already, and has been cheerful and pleasant and i feel a lot better. i think i slept through the night, too. i've had time to do my chores plus some, get dinner in the crock pot, and even henna my hands and feet. i'm in a great mood.

i've been having some really minor pre-labor signs but they're the kind that can come a week or more before the big day... nothing i really want to get into, but the contractions, energy bursts, and other things are definitely increasing. i just have to make sure not to do anything to disturb the amniotic sac.*

in other news, my morning glories are glorious!! they weren't doing so hot after i twined them up the sides of the stairs; a few strands even died. but now they are back full-force and blooming like mad! so pretty. i wish i had been more successful with the seeds i put in the flower garden... maybe next year.

*the night i had PROM with rowan, i had been deliberately bouncing on my yoga ball in an attempt to start labor. i have always suspected that probably caused the rupture... debbie says i'm probably right. so no trampolines for me, lol.

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