sleepytime woes

good GODDESS this has been tough lately. for the past several days, every single time rowan has to go to sleep, whether it's nap or bedtime, she immediately poops a horrid mess that leaves her shouting (if not crying for real) and after i change her, doesn't want to sleep. we've had no naps--none--for two or three days. and bedtime tonight and last night; don't get me started. i'm starting to stress about the whole newborn-on-the-way thing... nevermind having to milk the cow before dark...

i don't know why this is going on, unless she has another bug of some kind :\. i'm hoping it only lasts a few days. we'll see...

oh, she's also learned (finally) that she can stand up in the crib and play at will. so every time i go in there to get her she's up and messing with whatever she can reach! it's actually pretty cute, and she stays entertained for longer after she wakes up nowadays, which is kinda nice. mom says next comes trying to climb out, so i'm glad we've got that toddler bed waiting to be slept on.

1 Response to "sleepytime woes"

  1. Loren Says:

    haha, Kaine never tried to climb out! We switched him because he was so big and clearly uncomfortable in the crib! So, hopefully she will be the same way (minus the big part) :)

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