bumps on the head

the last two days have been pretty rough on little rowan's head. i can't actually count all the times she's fallen lately--new legs mean new perils--but yesterday she really hit the floor. my cousin's kid was being a little too wild and rowan was chasing him around the kitchen, and somehow she ended up tripping over her feet to land head first. she cried and cried, the poor thing, and when she had finally stopped crying her nose oozed blood! it was a little scary until i realized it was already done actively bleeding by the time it came out. she had a budding pink unicorn horn until this morning when it faded into a barely visible bruise.

today she was being all sorts of 'big stuff' climbing in and out of her blue plastic pool all by herself at my mom's house... until she miscalculated something and landed forehead-to-cheek on the concrete patio. we weren't fast enough to save her, and she actually got a little bit of a scrape in both places along with some nasty bruises. she really is tough, considering how much that must have hurt; she only cried for a minute (though it was intense). she looks awful though, very banged-up :(

i really do not like it when she gets hurt. sorry for stating the obvious, but whatever.

2 Response to "bumps on the head"

  1. Loren Says:

    I know, they go through these phases. Kaine currently looks like he is locked outside the house all day - he is so eaten up by bugs (he has terrible bites and scars all over his legs!). I have taken to putting pants on the poor boy when we go anywhere because he attracts so much attention!

    We have got to make a date to get together, I haven't even seen her walk yet!!

  2. rhiannon Says:

    yes we do!! i'm free... my cousin's son will be gone after today. going to the river one day would be a lot of fun.

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