daily life

...is getting in the way of me completing the post-midwife-meeting post! i have it more than half-written but i need time to pull links to finish it properly. i hope to get to it tomorrow if not tonight.

in other news, the cow came home last weekend and is providing us with tasty fresh milk every day. it's oddly satisfying to milk a cow (and oddly similar to using a breast pump and watching with pride as the bottles fill up). it is, however, hot as b a l l s out here, even late in the evening, and so the process of actually milking her is pretty strenuous. i'm not sure i've ever sweat so much. and i keep forgetting that i'm 8 months pregnant until someone--usually my dad--gives me some crap about how i 'shouldn't be doing' this or that. i just don't feel the overwhelming blah i had with rowan when i was this late. i feel like myself, and even my belly doesn't seem to get in my way as much as i remember with her. my weight gain is less with this baby but i am surprised that would make such a difference in how i feel. back to the cow/milk thing--i've got some nice recipes on the farm blog and i think i am starting a "frugal tip" series when i think of neat stuff to share.

he is kicking the crap out of me though. several times a day i get gasp-inducing jabs that really hurt! something just makes me think he is not going to wait for his due date.

i think i quit the chiro... not just b/c he's vertex (if he still is) but b/c i'm not convinced it is helping my weird butt pain at all, and everyone tells me it's "addicting" anyway. i just don't feel any different when i leave his office than when i walk in, other than the squirmy leftover i-hate-being-cracked feeling in my fingers. so i dunno.

rowan's ear is officially better as of the doc visit today, after 10 days of antibiotics. hate that, but at least she's better. she's going through a sort of bratty phase though, just testing me all the time with things she knows she isn't allowed to do (opening the toilet lid, touching breakables at my mom's, throwing food on the floor, etc) AND she is so freaking picky with food lately. stuff she loves she will totally refuse to eat just because. it's driving me nuts, honestly, but i tell myself it's just the terrible twos coming early. i guess now is better than later..? she's not even really "bratty," per se, just a little stinker once or twice a day. it's annoying more than anything else. but to counteract that, she has started giving kisses and blowing kisses in addition to her abundant hugs (complete with back rubbing/patting), so it's hard to really get mad at her. manipulative little rat.

still no name, but i'm grilling matt daily. it's way past time to know his name!!

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