32 weeks tomorrow

so poor little rowan is YET AGAIN battling some crazy rash-inducing diarrhea, complete with screaming fits in the middle of the night and lots of messy diaper-changes in the dark. no idea why. but her canines decided not to come in yet and instead she got a first molar(?!) the other day! i'm hoping the diarrhea is just teething, but i'm keeping my radar on.

last night i got bit by a tick! it was really creepy; i'm not a fan of arachnids in general, and i've never been bit by a tick before. had a few crawlies on me once, when we first took in our previously-stray cat neki about 5 years ago, but i managed to get them off before they could get me. this time i had to have picked it up while milking the cow. both experiences were a little bit scarring. i don't mind bugs, as a rule, but little spidery, vampiric black things are on my short list of no-likeys. i'm now on the lookout for any funny symptoms, just in case.

we've been given a bunch of really cute hand-me-down boy clothes from my sister, and a massive bag of cloth diapers that fit newborn-through-rowan-sized babies--yay!! i have enough g-diapers for a little baby up to 14lbs or so, and then some dappies for a slightly larger baby, but bigger than that i have yet to purchase any; we've been surviving off matt's mom's welcome contributions of amazon.com's seventh generation diapers. those are the best disposables. of course as soon as i switch back to cloth rowan gets horrid diarrhea again... lol. i tell myself it's a good refresher for the breastmilk poo-soup that my little guy will offer up soon enough.

i have a lot to do in the next month or so, and i'm starting to get very slightly stressed out about not doing all of it yet. we don't actually have a spare bag to leave in the car, but i am thinking i will sew one up real quick since i do have a ton of heavy fabric available... but more than anything i have a lot of stuff to stock up on for twink as we are going to be vending in the gainesville citizen's coop when they open this fall, and i don't want to have to worry about it with a newborn! i just haven't had time to get cracking the way i want to, and it's weighing on me. i need to ask my mom to take rowan for a day so that i can focus and work non-stop. i'm also wondering what sort of "homebirth kit" i will need in terms of supplies, b/c i need to get that taken care of too. and lots of freezer yogurt and homemade nutri-grain bars for rowan for quick postpartum snacks for her. so much to do, so little time...

at least my babysitting stint is over this week..! i will have a LOT more time soon.

i have been having crazy sexual dreams recently, which is basically normal for me in the pregnant state. but last night something interesting happened during a coital encounter that wasn't a dream: i won't say "copious amounts," but a good bit of a strange clear fluid expelled itself from me during the moment-of-most-fun. this has never happened before, and at first i was embarrassed to think it was a result of urinary incontinence, but 1) it had no smell and 2) it was totally clear. then i was worried it might be amniotic fluid gushing away in a very PROM, but again, 1) it had no smell. this morning the sheets--in the wash now--still smelled like nothing and no stain. and i'm not leaking nor has my belly deflated. so wtf was that?? i'm so confused...

2 Response to "32 weeks tomorrow"

  1. Loren Says:

    Yeah, I know what it was. You had what is termed "female ejaculation". It is more common than you might think (I can do it to). I thought I peed myself the first time it happened. Now I can control it. Here is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_ejaculation

    You must have really been comfortable and having a good time! (Not to sound gross or anything!)

  2. rhiannon Says:

    yeah, i mean i figured that was it, but it's so hotly debated a possibility (and never happened to me before) that i was sort of shocked, i guess.

    and with the pressure that is on my bladder these days, i didn't want to jump to conclusions (but it REALLY wasn't pee!).

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