still 33 weeks

matt spent all weekend mowing and clearing out the extremely overgrown sections of the yard that could be better utilized in the future; it looks great! no more piles of dead branches and 5ft high weeds near the chicken coop or within 100ft of the house. i did my part by weeding my "flower beds" around the front door, and now i just have to hit it with the weed-whacker to get the tall grass down. i even planted a crape myrtle and a rose bush :)

i realized he's nesting, in his own way. when i was getting close to rowan's due date, he canned a million things and grew us a huge garden. along with completing all the in-house projects i needed him to do, like flooring the nursery and whatnot. this time, as our home is shiny and new, he's focusing on prepping for more animals. we've got the chickens, the rabbits, and the cow, and now he's ready for sheep and/or goats. which means he needs to build a barn! hence the clearing perfectly good yard space. it's sort of fun to watch, honestly, because he gets out of character in the sense that he wants to go out and do all this stuff and gets excited about it, rather than doing it because he has to (and is neurotic about staying busy).

i had a midwife visit today, totally uneventful. she has a lot of really pretty tattoos; butterflies and flowers and an angel, and things like that. apparently her hubby is a tattoo artist--he does nice delicate work. i might call him up in the future... back to the baby, he's been sticking his feet out the right side of my belly all day and i can actually feel them! little feet! it's so funny. rowan almost always felt like an indistinct blob in there, but i really notice each part of this little guy. my weight is higher than i would have guessed it is, as i don't really look "fat" like i was with rowan. but maybe that was just the significant swelling i had last time around..?

debbie did bring up something i hadn't thought of at all, at our last visit: we need a hurricane backup plan. yes, it is florida and hurricane season... and i live in a mobile home... um... so i guess we'll be at my mom's if there is a bad storm during labor. she also mentioned that hurricanes, or any quick drop/change in barometric pressure has a notable effect on causing people to go into labor. i'd never heard that before, so i looked it up later, and despite what lay-people think, studies have actually shown that it DOES have an effect! PROM is the main thing that happens, but these days that basically means delivery the same day. so i'm really hoping this danielle storm doesn't come near us, because i am close enough to my due date to worry about crap like that. and after my dream the other night... ugh.

anyway. matt just turned off the mower so i think it's time for dinner. oh and rowan's bedtime problems seem to be just about resolved... she complains for about 30 seconds now at naptime and it's over. bedtime is back to normal. i have no idea what was going on, but i guess she's over it.

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