off-topic post: fury

(warning: this posting is anti-religious. stop reading if you are going to get offended. i am not "atheist" but i am 100% totally completely anti-religion. it fascinates me as a phenomena, and i love mythology, but in practice... i think organized religion is, at best, for the weak-minded and unimaginative, and at worst, a series of evil mind-control cults. **having said all that, i defend everyone's right to believe what they want; i have no problem with people who are religious, just with the mob-mentality and hypocrisy of the organizations themselves.**)

did you hear the one about the nun who was excommunicated for saving a woman's life? nevermind, as the article so pointedly states:

"In the case of priests who are credibly accused and known to be guilty of sexually abusing children, they are in a sense let off the hook," Doyle says.

Doyle says no pedophile priests have been excommunicated. When priests have been caught, he says, their bishops have protected them, and it has taken years or decades to defrock them, if ever.

saving a life at the cost of another (only questionably "alive" in the first place!) is apparently more highly punishable than the powerful abusing the utterly innocent for their own pleasure.

all i can see in this grossly blatant double-standard is men's fear of women. i can imagine no other cause for the absolute HATRED the church has for abortion--no matter the situation--in light of their undeniably flippant treatment of disgusting, evil, rapists. men with power=forgivable! women with power=be damned! literally.

and this is one reason why i think religion is a bad thing.* people always want to say "but so many good things have come from people believing this or that"... yeah? like what? let's tally it up next to all the evil that has been perpetrated in the various "His" names and see how the scales balance out.

blah. end rant.

*i come from a strongly baptist (yes, southern) family and was raised as such until i turned 12 and decided it made no sense and conflicted with my inner sense of the universe. since then, i've had to put up with almost constant, subtle attempts to convert me or even drag me by the hair into the church and i have to say, the more i am exposed to it the less i am remotely interested in anything they have to say. it's a bunch of bullshit politics and fakers just like everything else. in a lot of ways i think the bible itself is really interesting (and in a lot of ways it's not at all) but the groups who take it and pretend to live its message, whatever that may be--in my experience--always fail. the worst part of being around uber-religious family members is when i find myself pointing out biblical passages that clearly reprimand things they say or do to others. how's that for irony?

2 Response to "off-topic post: fury"

  1. Loren Says:

    Like Gandhi said: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

    I wholly agree with you. Accept for the abortion thing but, you know we couldn't agree on everything! LOL

    I consider myself a Christian but I DO NOT believe in organized religion. I think they turn more people away or turn them into zombie followers who are afraid to express themselves and ask the important questions! Have you read the Apocrypha? This explains what I mean more than I can. I like to call this book (or collection of books) the "missing stories of the Bible" it makes it make WAY more sense. I have always felt it was missing something and not one would answer my questions about (I was literally told once that I must not actually be a Christian because I "could not understand the Bible and God was not revealing it to me because I was actually not saved!") BIGGEST LOAD OF CRAP, EVER!! That was the beginning of the end for me!

  2. rhiannon Says:

    i have read (a lot of) the apocrypha. my favorite part was the bit where jesus was addressing reincarnation... i think it was in thomas? anyway.

    personally i would not have an abortion but that doesn't mean i think any woman is evil for doing so. and i certainly do not think it should be illegal. the less unwanted children in the world, the better for all of us; especially them. of course 'the church' needs more sheep, so they can't allow anybody to opt out (also my theory on why suicide is banned). cynical, yes, but they've earned my disgust over the years.

    i hate talking about religion :) it gets me too fired up!

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