17+ weeks

i cannot believe i'm going on 5 months already! geeez. time flies when you have a little one...

today was my first official prenatal visit, and i have to say i am so happy with my choice of midwife. sarah is exactly what i need; she's always the one to suggest we take things outside of the normal lines, in terms of making me feel less like a 'patient' and more like a friend hanging out. i find that i am the one having trouble relaxing and casting off the traditional role... i need to work on that so that i can really enjoy this.

as far as the medical assessment went, she was very happy with the blood draw and apparently my urine is "exquisite" which made me laugh. but she said she can really tell how well a person takes care of herself just by that, and i guess i get a cookie. blood pressure was crazy low, 98/58 which is not a problem other than my normal dizzy-when-standing thing. and the little peanut performed a lovely jig under the fetoscope, but we didn't hear heart tones this time. whatever.

anyway, clinical details aside, sarah suggested that we hang out at the springs or in my mom's pool to do our own little aquanatal sessions since we live really close to each other. i'm excited. i can't wait for the home visits to start--i really want to be in my own environment when the pregnancy starts getting to be a bigger deal. yay for tea and music during checkups!

rowan's party is going to be next saturday, and it looks like a few key players are definitely coming, which makes me very happy. still waiting on two others for a response, but so far so good. i know my whole family will show up, so it's going to be a party even if no one else comes. i'm counting on the other guests to bring the fun and the interesting... lol. kidding. mostly.

ah yes, and mothers' day this weekend--my first *sniffle.* as little sense as it makes, my sister and i are ditching our babies to brunch with our mom at my sister's work (gateway grand hotel). their brunch spread menu is a m a z i n g and i am pregnant and willing to eat twice my weight in tasty treats. very excited and only a tiny bit guilty for not spending the entire day actively being mommy. but i do that every day, so i get a pass sometimes, right? matt is graciously willing to watch rowan even though he has to work in the afternoon, so i have to make sure he gets a good fathers' day when it rolls around next month :).

i guess that's it for now. i'm going to go drool over that menu again...

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