21 weeks and another UTI.

sarah called me last night to inform me that i have a different type of asymptomatic UTI after the antibiotics and my pee test last week. seriously?!

at least this time we are treating it herbally (azo cranberry pills, garlic pills+raw garlic, LOTS of water) because it's a small colonization, but i'm really confused and a little frustrated over it anyway. i know perfectly well how to prevent UTIs and i am always careful, because i have had a few in the past and they totally suck; so i don't understand what is going on. but all i can do now is try to knock it out myself.

i am 21 weeks now, mister is kicking all the time and i'm ready to get moving on his part of the bedroom! i started knitting a mobile for him, like rowan's little birds (below), only different. i'm doing his with mushrooms, a snail, a caterpillar, and a dragonfly in earth tones. i was thinking last night how funny it is that i made an air (birds) mobile for the earth baby and now i'm making an earth (bugs) mobile for the air baby... ?? oh well. it should be really cute when it's done.

i think i have a boy name i really like too, but i don't want to share yet. i'm afraid it's way too popular but *whine* i really like it!! i'm sticking to my guns about the criteria needing to fit within: celtic/nordic, nature-related, and uncommon but not too hippie. no biblical names and nothing from further east than germany. i haven't heard a peep from matt but i suspect he has been thinking hard, too.

i am glad that i did all the research on circumcision when i did, because now i don't even have to think about it for the little boy... that conversation was already had, thankfully. there is nothing anyone could say to convince me that neonatal circumcision is a good thing.

uh oh, baby is calling...

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