the birthday, and other things

well, rowan is officially one year old as of yesterday. crazy! she is seeming like such a little girl these days and not so much of a baby at all. she's graduated to walking with just one arm hanging on to a support, so i'm excited for the big "first step" which ought to be soon. it took her about two months to go from first supported step to here, so...

the party seemed to be a hit, though it was difficult to judge from the hostess/parent/spazoid vantage point i was looking from. my uncle showed up with a really awesome bounce house for the older kids, so that was cool. and most of the food (meat courtesy of matt's skills) was quite good. the cake was less fluffy and fantastic than i'd hoped, but the flavor was good. would've made awesome muffins, just not quite cake texture.

karen, lilith, and rowan in the pool

me and rowan in her birthday dress

cuteness. she was so excited to wear that dress...

as for the "other things," i've decided to keep the appointment for ultrasound next week rather than try to reschedule it, mostly because it's just easier to get it done now. it's so strange to have no sense of what to expect--all i know is there is a baby in there (it kicks me all the freaking time)! i finished the stupid antibiotics and the baby is still kicking, so i guess all is well and i assume my phantom UTI is now gone. blah.

also i think i am going to start watching my... cousin's son--second cousin?--this summer, and he's 8 with a LOT of energy. probably a really bad idea considering i'm going to be in my last trimester over the summer, but whatever. we'll see how it goes. she's not paying much but anything is better than nothing and i'm thinking that one can reason pretty well with an 8 year old. i've been searching around for a good set of 'house rules' to establish with him, and in the process i found which is a pretty neat site (added to links on right). all these rules are common sense but it's nice to have a starting point. he's the sort of kid who will trample you if you don't lay it out right off the bat. i hope it goes well! i'm planning to tell my cousin that if i start to get at all frazzled or terribly inconvenienced (pregnant and touchy as i am) we're done, because i need to know i have an out if it isn't working for me. but overall i think it will be good practice to have two to juggle... ;) plus i have been considering taking on a kid or two as a nanny when the baby is no longer a tiny newborn. having a clean, organized house opens up so many possibilities!

lately we've been having an issue with ants (nasty biting ones) gathering crumbs in the kitchen, so i was using some essential oils to kill them but it was becoming a bit much...i don't really like to kill stuff, but they were in my kitchen where rowan scoots around and they were getting into food. so i went to winn dixie (the only grocery store within 20 miles) and was just praying they might have something other than 'raid' and to my great delight they sold this stuff: ecosmart ant & roach killer. it's AWESOME... not that i would ever recommend ingesting it or any other household product, but it's so kid/food/pet safe that all of the ingredients are technically edible and it smells like minty herbs with no nasty headache-inducing fumes (incidentally, it didn't cost me $8, either--it was like $4.50 or something). i couldn't believe winn dixie was selling it. oh and it works too; kills them dead on contact and seems to deter future foragers as well. score!

well, i can't think of anything else to blab about so i guess i'm done for now. here's a closing pic just for fun:

rowan covered in homemade baked beans, practicing eating yogurt with a spoon

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