27 weeks and i've gone quiet

for some reason i just don't have that much to say about pregnancy these days. i guess i'm used to all the strange things my body does, and since i've read as much as i can stomach (and it's almost over) i think i've just come to a point of peace about the whole thing. it's weird, at the beginning it feels like it will never end, but now i see very clearly what a transitory period pregnancy really is. there's only so much you can accomplish in such a short time.

i definitely have read all i can read though. i keep trying to pick up the last few books i still have checked-out, and i just can't do it. i'm actually kind of not interested... it's not that i'm not into birth or pregnancy--i'm considering teaching childbirth education at some point--but maybe i've just reached a point where i have learned everything i can learn without going through it myself.

i'm ready for the birth, too. the only thing holding me back mentally is that i never get to actually talk to matt, and there are things we need to discuss relating to my vision and his vision for this birth, and work out the logistics of what is going to happen on the day of. he's stressed and busy as hell though, and it's not really a subject he is excited to talk about so it's pretty much impossible to find a good time for it. i'm frustrated that we never get to just sit down and chat without 10 distractions. but that is another story.

this little nameless girl is doing well, though. she's a regular thumper most days, and she's clearly growing. i'm huge. i can't wear ANY of my pants anymore.

the ladies at work are going to throw me and my friend a joint shower later this month, so that will be fun(?) i think. getting out of work for a bit to open presents? sure! haha. my "actual" (non-)shower will be in march, though. i'm sorting out the final details now; i do know that it will be nothing like the traditional find-the-poopie-diaper-game-playing events... i'd rather have my eyelashes plucked than sit through another one of those parties! no offense to anyone who likes them. it's just not my thing. so i am planning a non-baby-focused "woman gathering," the goal of which is to gather support and inspiration for birth from other women and hopefully to help them reconnect with their own mothers and/or daughters in a pleasant, mimosa-laden, henna-having environment. yes, it's pretty hippie-ish but it won't be totally flaky. i promise. oh and you are all invited.

anyway, that's about all i have to say... 28 week appt next week, should be fun. we'll see how they react to my rejection of rhogam and the diabetes test all in one blow. *sigh*

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