four weeks

oh liam. he is getting really cute lately (thankfully). he's already 9lb7oz, too! rowan took a good 6 weeks to get to 9lbs... and he is finally smiling at me when i "play" with him. it's gorgeous.

life is nice. the house is a little less clean than i'd like and i am dealing with some of the less wonderful aspects of motherhood (leaky boobs, unwashed/unbrushed hair, wearing pajamas all day) but mostly it's pleasant and more relaxed than i would have expected. rowan is watching way too much tv in the form of DVDs, but at this point i don't have the will to fight with her or the stamina to entertain her myself. it's bad and i know it but i'm letting it go for now.

i have rejoined a mama's group in the hopes that soon we can start hanging out with playdates, so we'll see if that works out. tomorrow is kai's birthday halloween party, which rowan is pretty excited about--she's going to be a bumblebee as before, and i'm playing leia with a little yoda in tow, thanks to auntie lawlaw's awesome knitting skills in making one of these for liam. my hair just happens to be long enough to make some decent leia buns, too :). i wish matt were joining us as han solo, but alas, he has to work.

on the farm side of things, we have sort of flopped this month. two of our newest hens are roosters, the eggs i was incubating are duds, the rabbit didn't have babies, and butters is STILL pregnant. blah. something funny happened the past few days though--rowan encountered her first tortoise up-close and didn't like him. he was walking through the yard back to his little hole, so i brought her near enough to see him well, and she stared and stared, then when he continued to walk she freaked. she wasn't totally terrified but she did not want to stick around to see where he was going. she wanted in the house right that minute. it was very funny and pretty surprising. today she reacted even more emotionally when a rather large roach/beetle/thing scurried out from under her plastic pool where she was playing... she practically fell all over herself trying to get away and cried! i'm not sure where this fear-of-creatures thing is coming from, but i hope it's a phase... even though it's funny.

i have officially begun a workout regime, which so far consists of squats and plies and some easy ab exercises, as i still have that gap in my stomach muscles and thus shouldn't do crunches. i put a few workout videos on the netflix queue also, and will be aiming for at least one session--of anything--every day. i'm a hundred and freaking fifty pounds (i was shocked) so i have no time to waste. i want my body back!! i'm trying to eat a lot of raw food and frequent small meals, since that always works wonders to whittle me down. i hate trying to lose weight, even though i don't mind exercise at all. it's disappointing and stressful and i somehow can never see the results even when i get them.

leaving on a happy note: knowing that liam is our last baby is actually a strangely pleasant feeling. i know, for instance, that in about 5 months i will have time to myself again. in about 4 months he will be able to sit on his own. in two months or so, he will eat less often and be awake and interactive for most of the day. it's helping me to really appreciate this needy-newborn stage... it goes so fast and then it's gone forever. he won't want to cuddle with me for much longer *sniffle* and he won't be sleeping with me in bed anymore soon enough... so i'm enjoying it even when i just want 10 minutes to myself.

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