the weight. and i guess the wait.

i've been hovering at a very uncomfortable 20-pounds-overweight for the last two months or so. admittedly, i have not been "exercising" though i do go on long walks with rowan almost daily, i don't eat crap, and i'm breastfeeing every hour and a half or so. yet here i sit, flabby and heavy.

i don't know why i expected/hoped that bfing alone would help (gee, maybe the 500 extra calories it's supposed to burn?!) but apparently it isn't enough to get me even close to my normal size. as rowan is coming up on 6 months shortly, it's time for me to get my ass in shape. literally.

and then i read this article and freaked out:
if you gain more than the recommended 20 to 25 pounds during pregnancy, or if you don’t lose the extra weight within six months of delivery, you are statistically likely to carry an extra 20 pounds, 10 years later. If you are overweight to begin with, that number is even higher. The six-month window for losing pregnancy weight seems to be critical.
oh. crap. my belly. my thighs. my ARMS for that matter!

i realize that i am not a typical american woman in terms of eating habits, activity levels, etc--i'm pretty good about all of it most of the time--so i'm hoping that will insulate me a little bit from falling into those statistics, but i'm not taking any chances! i'm cutting out coffee (since for some reason it makes me hold weight), starting to juice again, and eating as much raw fruits, veggies, and nuts as i can stomach to the exclusion of wheat and dairy.

i also started the at-home workout routine which i plan to do every night in between putting rowan to bed and making dinner: crunches, leg lifts, squats, lunges, push ups, jumping jacks, etc for 30 minutes. i did it last night and man am i sore today! my legs are w e a k. but that's good, it drove home how soft i have become. alas, for the 10-mile bicycle commute i no longer have...

though i must say i am looking forward to the busy, tiring, sweaty days of moving house, since i always seem to lose weight at those times. especially now that i will have the added stressor of a baby to deal with during packing and unpacking!

i am trying not to whine about it, since i realize it is mostly my fault for not getting on the ball sooner, but it sucks SO MUCH to feel squishy and out of place in my own body. pregnancy was a different matter, since it wasn't really "my" body all that time... it was ours... but now, yuck. i just feel gross and totally unattractive. when i look at pictures of myself from before i got pregnant i can't believe how good i looked (even though at the time i always felt not-fit-enough). gahh! compared to now, i was practically ideal. but oh well.

i will get there again soon. the right way.

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