21 weeks old (5+ months)

my baby is growing up :(

she is learning to sit up by herself these days, and today she finally decided eating is OK. she was opening her mouth for the banana/oatmeal mush i made her... it was very exciting. she also likes to pound on things with her hands, especially a crinkly book she has:

i think she is resolving her sleep issues, if i dare to say so, since the last few days she's had very long naps and she hasn't woke up until 2am (but a few times then afterwards). i really hope we're just in a phase, because i miss sleeping all night!

we went to a corn maze last week with my neighbor and her 7-month old. it was interesting, and not made of corn. they use some kind of sugar cane or bamboo grass that grows 15 ft tall... i guess corn is too expensive, ha. rowan liked walking through the dim passageways, especially when the wind blew and made the stalks swish. she'd make oooohs and ahhhs about. it was cute. it made me understand just how disorienting a labyrinth can be though; i've never been in one before. without the sun overhead you really do lose your way easily...

while there, i had my first truly "public" experience breastfeeding. sure, i walk through publix with her nursing under a sling, but this was different--pretty much right out in the open except when i could get her hat to cover me. it was interesting... it didn't bother me, per se, but i felt a little weird on behalf of the people around us. thankfully they ALL had children so i figure they can't have been too shocked. all in all i will try to avoid it in the future just because i am kind of shy anyway, but it wasn't mortifying or anything. and i don't really care who else was uncomfortable; part of me thinks i should do it more often just to 'normalize' it for others, you know, to further the cause :).

20 weeks, looking like daddy

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