still in there

that was an unexplainedly awful two days for nothing having come at the end. yesterday i went to the hot tub, stopped by the birth center to ask "wtf?" and was told to drink water, sleep, and have a smoothie, then went home and had a smoothie and slept from 1130-4. yes, all day. matt slept too actually, which i think he really needed as well.

i feel better today, but still a little off, as if my energy is elsewhere; i get tired really easily and my stomach is kind of uncomfortable, and i definitely to not have anything like a normal appetite. oh, and interestingly enough i woke up and my feet actually look like my feet again! i have ankles! there is still very very slight swelling but seriously i had forgotten what my lower legs used to look like, they've been balloons for so long. so i don't know if that means anything, but i'm happy anyway.

i'm finishing the very last thing i need to take care of pre-baby today: putting my laundry away. and oh, what a pile it is. i've put it off way too long and the dryer is completely filled with things i need to sort and hang--blech. but i got matt's all put away earlier, so i'm feeling optimistic about it. it's not an impossible task, however low-energy i may be. i also hope to henna my hair since i've got a 1/4" of blonde shining through on my scalp, but that's far from a critical or energy-consuming task... it's really weird to have all this free time. i would say i don't know what to do with myself, but i always seem to find some way to use it, so it's kinda nice. i'm just not used to it--my normal weekends (aka "free time") are always packed with printing/ironing/packaging shirts, cleaning the house, running errands, and accompanying matt on the random task of the day that i have completely forgotten what it's like to have time to do literally whatever i want. the past two days were devoted to sleeping and feeling icky, but if it keeps up i might even get to read! yikes, i just remembered i owe a friend a haircut, so i will have to fit that in today too just to be safe.

anyway so no rowan yet. i guess she is waiting for the full moon this weekend... but matt has a schedule conflict with that so i hope she doesn't really take that long! this is a "down time" week for the shop, so honestly having her now would be ideal; after this weekend they will be really busy at work. but she seems to have a different agenda *sigh* i see how it is going to be with this one. oh, the taurus. in the year of the ox. :P

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