full moon=nothing

last night was the full moon. i'm still pregnant.

we went to see cirque du soleil "saltimbanco" yesterday though, which was pretty cool... matt is obsessed with that show and now all he can talk about is how he wants to work for them and how he's scrapping his plan to make rowan "a lesbian woodworker" in favor of training her to be an acrobat starting at the age of 2. it's funny that he thinks he will have ANY say over who or what she becomes. i don't have the heart to burst his bubble... he'll learn. daughters don't work that way, especially considering she's coming from the two of us, neither of whom really fit the mold our parents might have hoped for us. lol.

it IS really inspiring to see the performers' bodies, though. really makes me look forward to pushing my own body toward its betterment ASAP. people just assume it's too hard to get into peak shape but it isn't... it's really just a matter of repetition and commitment. if you are serious you can completely restructure your body. we're adaptable like that, given the will power to follow through. matt has been talking about joining the dojo recently too--i think not having the police academy to force him to work out is making him miss the exercise.

anyway the show was great, but the o'connell center really, really sucks. and we were surrounded by old folks with too much perfume on and children who wouldn't shut up. i'm just glad i finally got to see the show, and i know matt is too. a pity it didn't induce labor like i hoped the loud music and crowd might...

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