25 weeks

time is really starting to fly. i went from "aww, cute little bump" to "damn you're pregnant!" in no time flat. seriously. my stomach is so big... and it's 'tired' if you can imagine what that might feel like. it's like my belly has been lifting weights and just wants to lie down for a while, but it can't. i'm seriously considering one of those support belts because just having something take some of the weight off sounds sooooo nice right now.

but it's not that bad, i mean, that's my only complaint so i probably shouldn't be complaining at all! my ankles have recently had bouts of swelling, which is interesting (and honestly a little scary at first, considering my blood thing--swelling=bad usually) and totally unattractive, lol. oh and my thighs are definitely growing, though thankfully not in proportion with my belly. and i so need new bras! my fashion options are becoming smaller by the day...

actually i do have one genuine complaint: headaches. i had a really nasty headache from friday night all the way through last night, but of course it went away in time for my work week to begin. awesome. it's weird how they are coming and going, but when i have them they are pretty intense and totally unexplained. and nothing seems to help; but it was good practice trying to "relax into the pain" to fall asleep last night. i'm learning to accept and embrace unpleasant sensations rather than tense against them... my training for the surges of explusion to come.

we still don't have a name *sigh* but that's probably because we didn't talk any more about it recently. it's hard to believe but when matt and i hang out we always manage to be distracted or busy to the point that we don't get a whole lot done. soon, though. soon.

i'm planning to start my first knitted diaper-cover this week in between a caterpillar toy (shower gift), mitts for matt, and a cabled purse i am working on... so i hope it comes out nice and usable. it would be fan-freakin-tastic to be able to knit my diaper covers for just the cost of yarn--about $7 a pop. we'll see.

and... my friend from work who is pregnant went into the hospital today because she was having contractions 6 weeks early... we all hope it's just braxton-hicks, but nobody knows yet. *crosses fingers*

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