a political sidenote

i Hate politics. i understand the arguments for why it's important to be into them, and to care, but i just cannot bring myself to believe in anyone who actively seeks power. they are ALL liars, period--and i won't support a system that acknowledges and accepts such a thing. nevermind the whole two-party problem... "lesser of two evils?" no thanks. anyway, i'm just saying this is not my usual genre of interest, but something caught my ear recently.

here in balmy, elderly, dumbass florida our governor did a really logical thing and now everyone hates him. there was a bill that would require women who want or need abortions to have ultrasounds first, and to pay for them out-of-pocket... and he vetoed it. (this is actually the second good veto he's spit out in the last few months; the other was about teachers' pay and tenure and was totally absurd.)

the idea is--and this has been stated publicly and officially--that women who want abortions should be forced to accept that there is a "baby" in there, and to really think about whether or not they want to go through with it. and because the state won't pay for abortion, they won't pay for the ultrasound for these pro-choice women, either. so... a woman having to make an incredibly difficult decision (maybe she has no choice, maybe she was raped, maybe she has a disease) now has to endure the fetus being thrust literally into her face so it can hurt worse. and she has to deal with the added cost of an ultrasound (normally about $150) on top of the already expensive (normally about $400) abortion itself. what the motherfucking fuck? judgmental assholes riding their high-horses trying to make life worse for those who are probably already having a hard time in one way or another, to choose abortions. even if the pregnancy itself is the only hardship in her life, that's bad enough! (and by the way, a first trimester ultrasound doesn't show much of a "baby" anyway, so it's apparent they are just doing it to inflict emotional trauma on these women.) there is even an organization (operation outcry, or something) composed of women who have had and regret abortions who support this thing! i feel for them personally, but i don't understand how they could support something this disgusting. they had a choice.

this bill pissed me off so much i can't even say it clearly. so, props to mr. crist for putting the smack down. he says he vetoed it because of the crap about forcing women to pay for something they don't want to do... of course now he is being derogatorily labeled 'pro-choice,' despite his decision seeming to be totally rational and unmotivated by political or personal agenda.

i really cannot abide by people forcing their views on others. don't even get me started on the gay marriage thing..!

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