slow updates...

good god; when they tell you you won't have time for anything else once the baby arrives, they aren't lying! i have been wanting (desperately) to post updates but every time i sit down to write little missy wakes up and needs me...

i'm a week behind on taking pics of her, too--i'm trying to post a new one every week but we're halfway through her 3rd week already! she's going to be a month old on saturday. sheesh. they change so fast... she is already much bigger and more grown up than she was. i miss the little tiny baby who cuddled me at the hospital *sniffle*

ok, lame post, but she is crying now so i'll have to get the good stuff out later. btw, my sister is pregnant now! yay for close cousins! :)

fun facts for this week:
- she's started smiling in response to singing, tickling, and talking--big crazy grins, almost like she's laughing--and it is seriously the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. if i could look at nothing else for the rest of my life i would be happy.
- i'm practically vegan again because she apparently has a milk intolerance (not uncommon for babies); every time i eat ice cream or cheese or whatever she has terrible stomach problems later.
- cloth diapers are not nearly as bad as everyone tried to tell me they would be. in fact, i think there are no drawbacks to them at all. they're cheap, easy to deal with, comfortable, and i don't feel guilty about waste. and i haven't had issues with leaking either. if we were using disposables we would be spending around $30-50 a week on them. my standard diaper regime right now is prefold secured with snappi, covered with a dappi. they are a bit big on her but they work like a charm, and i only have to wash the prefolds every 2 days or so, and i line dry them to save energy. (side note: elimination communication is... impractical... for me at this point. though i do think the concept has potential, and rowan definitely gives signals when she has to go.)
- aveeno diaper cream is a life saver. as soon as i have a chance i will make my own, but for now that stuff takes away rash like magic.
- co-sleeping happens whether you want it to or not... i did not intend to have rowan in bed with us, but at 3am when she's nursing it's so much easier to just let her sleep there... so we do a little of both cradle and bed every night. i imagine once i am healed and "able" again, this will taper off dramatically, however.

tonight we officially begin the bedtime routine a la "the no-cry sleep solution" just for good measure. i realize she's too young to fully accept a routine, but then again she is a taurus and i won't be surprised if she appreciates the structure. naps are already practically clockwork during the day, as is her nighttime nursing. so we'll see how that goes.

more to come later, including the birth story.

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