sloooow updates

mostly because i'm KNITTING constantly (gotta get the xmas stuff done...). still not a good excuse though. t.w.i.n.k. was in an indie craft fair last weekend that totally rocked--we made money and it was really fun. someone even told me they liked my "style" in my shiny new outfit bought just for the show! never been told that before; it was nice. and between me and karen we traded with other sellers for at least $200 worth of stuff in addition to the money we made! *headbanging*

as for liam, he is seriously huge. not fat, like those chunky huge babies, just hefty and long. at his 8 week checkup he was 12.2lbs! crazy. he is absolutely sweet... he coes and smiles and tries to laugh all the time. incidentally, that stinky watery poo was diarrhea which cleared up after a few days and now seems to have returned. i do have a sort of forceful letdown but as there is never froth in his diaper i don't think there is an imbalance (also because my boobs are so small that's unlikely--he can only get so much out of them per session and he definitely drains them completely). his eye grossness seems to be all better too, in spite of the stupid antibiotic cream that i stopped using after the first week. he is sleeping between 5-7 hours at a time for the first night stretch, and napping for 1-3 hours once or twice a day. he's delightful.

rowan is getting really good at speaking and i have been drilling her on xmas "stuff"--we watch 'rudolph' and 'santa claus is coming to town' constantly and we've been reading the classic books to make sure she associates santa and whatnot with all the fun that is coming. tonight is a parade downtown that we are bringing her to, and we got a tree yesterday which i plan to decorate today (our first ever). very exciting! she woke up and the first thing she did was smell it and say MMMmmmMM, haha. love it!

i got some fancy new yarns thanks to a gift card i had been saving so i am really looking forward to knitting some things for myself after the holidays are over. so far i have completed a bunch of things for rowan, a really cute set of wristlets and cowl for my sister, a fluffy collar for my mom, slippers for matt's dad, slippers for matt's stepmom, a scarflette for matt's mom, a pair of armwarmers for me, and a cowl that doubles as an overskirt for me. i am working on a hat for matt now, and after that it's the fancy yarns and complicated projects. woohoo!

we think that marge, cow #2, may also be pregnant now. she was exposed to the bulls for much longer than butters, so her later fertilization makes sense. it's nuts. butters is due any day now and it's been really, really cold so i'm a little worried... probably baselessly. we have something like 14 chickens and are getting 3 eggs a day lately. i'm not sure how well the garden is doing but it's out there with green stuff in it. our well froze a few times during these cold nights but matt has insulated it now and it appears to be effective.

i think that's all i have to update at the moment... i need to post pics of the little ones...

late reflections, etc

when the shock of liam's perfect birth finally wore off and i could start integrating it into my life experiences, some strange things happened. "birth" stopped being something that i obsess about. i am as interested in keeping it in my life as i was before, but i'm not on a soapbox anymore. i'm not feeling the need to rant and rave and hoist signs about it (though i gladly will should the occasion arise). it would seem that the total non-event normalness of giving birth the way i did has toned the whole subject down several notches, with a big added dose of peacefulness and contentment.

related to this was gaining the understanding that i will never get over rowan's birth. it doesn't hurt anymore (mostly probably because i have "proved" myself to myself; silly but true) but i was wrong to hope that liam's homebirth would somehow heal the trauma rowan and i went through. it didn't, and that's ok. it healed me in a profound metaphysical way, but nothing will ever lead me to "get over" her birth... it was awful and that's just the way it is. i am able to accept it for what it was and see it in a more objective way, but it will always be a scar even though the wound is no longer throbbing.

on a more mundane note, liam has strange diarrhea going on. for the past few days his normally sweet-smelling, sticky yellow curdled breastmilk poo is stinky, greenish, and so watery it soaks right into the diaper. wtf? i need to do some research... he seems fine otherwise and is eating/sleeping normally so i don't know what to think. as of last night we moved him out of our room--he's 6 weeks old--and into the spare bedroom to get ready for the move into rowan's room. i don't want him in there until he is sleeping through the night because i don't want him to wake her all night long. right now he's consistently going 3-hour stretches both for naps and for night sleeping. he's growing really fast so i can i only assume that explains the several night feedings..?

i am doing good with my "diet" which isn't--eating lots of oats, fruit, yogurt, and green juice. cutting out most meat since i don't really want it anymore, and avoiding breads. i should reduce my coffee intake but i just like it so much... and i've been doing that workout every other day too. i'm sure i'll lose just enough weight to gain it all back over thxgiving and xmas.

rowan is working on her 12th tooth and is saying everything i say to her. it's very cute. i'm really looking forward to xmas and seeing her excited over the lights and tree and parades and gifts. it should be so fun!

"uncle james" brought us 4 more hens yesterday as well, so we now have... 12?? chickens running around, but two of those will shortly be executed for the sheer fact that they are upstart roosters. matt is working on the barn but all we have is 4x4s in the ground so far. winter is coming...


both babies are sleeping at the same time for the second day in a row. *bliss* yesterday liam napped from 9am-12pm, too! i even had 5 minutes this morning to slather my head with henna (way overdue) and get some stuff ready for the GLAM which twink and my shirts will both be a part of. as of last night i have whipped myself into shape in terms of making him sleep in his bassinet, and he slept 5 hours and 3 hours (he is officially a stomach-sleeper no matter what i try). it was great to sleep in my bed without a baby i'm afraid to disturb by rolling over! maybe matt will come back to our room now... lol. i also started a pilates regimen that uses baby as the weights, and man that showed me just how out of shape i have become. it was EASY as far as workouts go, and only like 15 minutes, and my arms and legs felt like they were going to give out. i used to be able to do some seriously intense workouts and still be ok. i guess i should look at that past glory as something to work towards again.

i have discovered that i can knit and nurse at the same time, and all i can say about that is HALLELUJAH AMEN woo-freaking-hoo!! i've made some xmas gifts for rowan and i am even halfway done with a pair of super-cute fingerless gloves for me--first thing i've ever knitted for myself. it's glorious to be productive while i'm stuck on the couch otherwise "wasting time" (if you don't consider that i'm imbuing a mini-human with nutritious growth juice).

in the TMI realm--be warned here--matt and i resumed marital relations more than a week ago and everything is a-ok in the nether zone. it's sort of shocking, after my recovery post-rowan. i think i would've been fine with activities down there even at 2 weeks, but i wanted to be sure. it's such a relief.

i'm going for my IUD consultation on thursday which i am very excited about... yay for long-term surefire contraception that doesn't involve surgery! lol.

liam is 6 weeks old. he cooes and looks like he is trying to talk all the time, which is something rowan never did this early. he smiles a lot and is very interested in what is going on around him, and he's much cuter than he was before. i need more photos of him...

the big girl bed

patience is a wonderful thing. having "given up" on the big-girl bed, as i did, in the hopes that rowan would sort of grow into it on her own, i am absolutely delighted to say that she has! a few days ago she decided that naps needed to be taken in it, and was consistent with it... so i decided to take advantage of a late-night out (after which she fell dead asleep in her car seat) to sneak her into the big girl bed for the night. it worked. she woke up in the middle of the night, i came in and comforted her, and she was back to sleep until the morning and has expected to sleep there ever since. it's awesome! i am so glad i left it to her to decide when she was ready. now i just need to get liam sleeping longer at night and i can have them both in their room together :) :) :)

liam is growing and has made a leap in awareness over the past few days. he's very into being awake and hanging out more, which is great... we're past the drowsy-all-day-nursing stage, and he's taking more defined naps and setting a bedtime for himself. he's a lovely little baby, and looking more and more like rowan by the day.

rowan has started repeating EVERY word i say to her lately, also, which is new. she tries to say everything, which means my sailor's mouth is rapidly becoming unsustainable. i'll be regretting it very soon if i don't clean up my language!

our farm has grown by another rooster, too. karen brought us a very showy little bantam "duclay" named peter to join our flock. he's tiny but apparently has a big heart. i think he'll be staying with us for a while, at least. butters hasn't birthed yet and my eggs were duds. matt has been planting the winter garden with spinach and lettuce...

wacky dream

a few nights ago i had another dream that included a moment of total and complete certainty that everything is fucked.* i look outside at the moon, in a sky that is too bright for night and too dim for day, and it is HUGE--the size of a dinner plate or larger--and there is a strange colorful/hazy halo all around it. seeing this is like being punched in the stomach, an instant knowing that all things are ending now and there is no more time left to mess around. i find myself dreading what i know i have to do, which is to explain to my family that we have to leave... i dread having to try to justify how i know what is happening and how i know where we need to go, because there isn't time to argue and i know they will doubt me. it's terrifying and i fear we are already out of time and that they won't listen.

i make note of this dream because, like the others, it didn't feel like a "normal" dream. it didn't feel like something my silly brain just invented during a mundane sleep. i don't know what to make of it.

*i had completely forgotten dream #3 in the older post until i just now read it again. wow. i am starting to wonder if these dreams aren't messages of some kind... maybe i am a contactee???? *nervous laugh*

four weeks

oh liam. he is getting really cute lately (thankfully). he's already 9lb7oz, too! rowan took a good 6 weeks to get to 9lbs... and he is finally smiling at me when i "play" with him. it's gorgeous.

life is nice. the house is a little less clean than i'd like and i am dealing with some of the less wonderful aspects of motherhood (leaky boobs, unwashed/unbrushed hair, wearing pajamas all day) but mostly it's pleasant and more relaxed than i would have expected. rowan is watching way too much tv in the form of DVDs, but at this point i don't have the will to fight with her or the stamina to entertain her myself. it's bad and i know it but i'm letting it go for now.

i have rejoined a mama's group in the hopes that soon we can start hanging out with playdates, so we'll see if that works out. tomorrow is kai's birthday halloween party, which rowan is pretty excited about--she's going to be a bumblebee as before, and i'm playing leia with a little yoda in tow, thanks to auntie lawlaw's awesome knitting skills in making one of these for liam. my hair just happens to be long enough to make some decent leia buns, too :). i wish matt were joining us as han solo, but alas, he has to work.

on the farm side of things, we have sort of flopped this month. two of our newest hens are roosters, the eggs i was incubating are duds, the rabbit didn't have babies, and butters is STILL pregnant. blah. something funny happened the past few days though--rowan encountered her first tortoise up-close and didn't like him. he was walking through the yard back to his little hole, so i brought her near enough to see him well, and she stared and stared, then when he continued to walk she freaked. she wasn't totally terrified but she did not want to stick around to see where he was going. she wanted in the house right that minute. it was very funny and pretty surprising. today she reacted even more emotionally when a rather large roach/beetle/thing scurried out from under her plastic pool where she was playing... she practically fell all over herself trying to get away and cried! i'm not sure where this fear-of-creatures thing is coming from, but i hope it's a phase... even though it's funny.

i have officially begun a workout regime, which so far consists of squats and plies and some easy ab exercises, as i still have that gap in my stomach muscles and thus shouldn't do crunches. i put a few workout videos on the netflix queue also, and will be aiming for at least one session--of anything--every day. i'm a hundred and freaking fifty pounds (i was shocked) so i have no time to waste. i want my body back!! i'm trying to eat a lot of raw food and frequent small meals, since that always works wonders to whittle me down. i hate trying to lose weight, even though i don't mind exercise at all. it's disappointing and stressful and i somehow can never see the results even when i get them.

leaving on a happy note: knowing that liam is our last baby is actually a strangely pleasant feeling. i know, for instance, that in about 5 months i will have time to myself again. in about 4 months he will be able to sit on his own. in two months or so, he will eat less often and be awake and interactive for most of the day. it's helping me to really appreciate this needy-newborn stage... it goes so fast and then it's gone forever. he won't want to cuddle with me for much longer *sniffle* and he won't be sleeping with me in bed anymore soon enough... so i'm enjoying it even when i just want 10 minutes to myself.

less annoying gifts?

i'm working on rowan's xmas list for the grandparents--more of a "don't buy" list than anything else, really. but the point is to provide a list of things that they can buy that won't 1) clutter up her room with needless toys and 2) provide some kind of education or character expansion rather than distraction.

so far i've got:
- sidewalk chalk
- a drum
- a keyboard
- sand for her existing sandbox, which she has basically emptied
- a sprinkler toy, like this or one of these (holy crap she would LOVE that)
- size 6-7 shoes
- yookidoo bath spout
- finger paints and a paper pad
- one of those magnetic doodle pads
- xylophone (preferably wooden)
- hand puppets

stuff for "all" of us:
- a 2-seater bicycle trailer
- one of those leashes previously mentioned

she already has a tricycle, some play silks, an outdoor gym thing, and several balls... and i know it sounds crazy but we do not need any more books right now--she has SO many and hasn't been reading them very much lately. i don't need anything for liam since we have "baby" toys aplenty and clothes to last him at least through 6 months!

i will be adding to this as i think of things, and suggestions are welcome.

three and a half weeks already

i suck at updates, but i have good excuses! things are going well, in general, though i have realized rowan is bored to tears by our daily life. i need to find her a playgroup NOW or risk her hating me and our house permanently, lol. she's been seeing her cousin kai a lot, which they both love, but there is some driving distance issue that makes it tough to hang out as much as we'd all like.

she's been sort of aggressive, too. it's upsetting but i realize it is totally normal, and i'm not handling it the way i need to be. i've tended to smack her hand when she does something mean (mostly pinching/scratching) and i need to shift my tactics to "time out" style, calm discipline. luckily she hasn't been directing any of it at liam... but she was mean to kai yesterday when she was really tired and he was fussing. i'm really trying to tell myself "it's ok, it's normal" but i hate it sooooo much. my angel is being kind of a brat lately. *squirm*

on the good side, she initiated a "big girl bed" nap this morning!!! i was shocked and delighted when she climbed in for a nap and asked for her bottle, but i tucked her in and walked away anyhow... and she actually slept in it! hooray for transitions begun!

liam is growing like a weed, to the point that he's really not a helpless newborn anymore, at 3 weeks old. he's sturdy and mature-seeming in addition to outgrowing several of his sleepers. he's a good baby but again i'm failing in terms of establishing nighttime routines. i need to get him a regular time for bath and bed and do like i did with rowan if i want him to learn to sleep in his cradle.

well this was short but i'll be back with pics later--time to rescue the angel/brat.

two weeks old

child leashes...

i realized the other day, while out with matt's mom, liam, and rowan, that i need help. either that or i need to stay home until liam is big enough for the baby bjorn and some potentially serious jostling. rowan is just all over the place when we go out--and she's fast!--and while nursing/slinging a newborn i cannot keep up with her. it was sort of scary and definitely eye-opening.

so i've been considering employing or crafting a child leash. yes, i said it. this post cracked me up because she basically summed up my previous attitude, and subsequent change, perfectly. you can't argue with what makes sense.

rowan really likes to walk by herself now that she's confident on her feet (and has terribly fashionable shoes to show off) and i can't very well carry her anymore, so i don't really see what other option there is... plus she loves backpacks so i think something like this would suit us all wonderfully. of course i could make a ghetto version no problem, but i think the cute animal factor can't hurt.

going to add that to her xmas list, i think...

cell phones are not ok. duh.

9:08 AM by rhiannon 0 comments
thanks cryptogon:

New Book Looks at Connection Between Mobile Devices and a Host of Health Problems

October 12th, 2010

Is this partially why so many men are shooting blanks?

And what is the compelling evidence to suggest that cellphones might be tied to sterility in men?

In 2008, researchers found that men with the lowest sperm counts were significantly more likely to keep their phones on their bodies all the time. And it’s been found that the sperm exposed to the highest level of radiation from the phone were the most deformed and the worst swimmers. An Australian team led by a fellow named John Aitkin believes that cellphone radiation weakens the ability of the sperm cell to swim because it’s affecting mitochondrial DNA (mitochondria are basically the engines of the cell). Very similar work was done at one of the top research institutions in Turkey, and in Poland, Hungary and India.

Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family by Devra Davis

happy days

liam is such a good baby! "good" meaning "easy," that is. he sleeps for long stretches both day and night, wakes to eat (a lot, for a long time) and then sleeps more. he's getting a little more interactive and wants to look around at stuff as the days go on, too, which is nice. i feel a little weird about this because for some reason i am kind of anti-pacifier, but he has been trying so hard to grab his thumb that i actually bought a pacifier... and he really likes it. i'm limiting the use to 'baby-is-crying-and-i-have-to-help-rowan' moments, mostly, and i hope to cut it out as soon as he finds that thumb. i guess i'm against it because something tells me he should be nursing if he wants to suck that badly; but there are times he just can't, like in the car. so it's ok.

rowan has been a little bit irritable lately, but i'm not really sure it has anything to do with liam... she is also cutting at least one canine and that second molar is still pushing itself fully out. and she hasn't had a nap in days, thanks to the teeth. so any of the above could be reasons for her crankiness (and she is still apparently in love with the baby). we had a bunch of visitors this last week or so and matt's dad is coming up soon too, so at least she hasn't been bored!

on the farm side of things, big news--butters is most definitely very pregnant. (did i post that already?) you can see a calf moving around in her huge belly, so we've stopped milking and will let her dry up before giving birth and starting a new lactation. marge is cute and mostly pointless, but she's happy. we bred one of the rabbit does and she should be having kits next weekend. i'm incubating a batch of eggs under a heat lamp that should be due right about halloween, if they hatch at all. matt has the garden prepped for winter/spring crops and i think he will be planting any day now... he seeded the soon-to-be second pasture with rye for the winter too. oh, and he managed to CATCH a wild pig last week!! it was pretty nuts... he saw them running around in the field next door and decided he wanted to trap one, and the next day he actually did it. i have no idea how, but the little thing was in a 4x4 dog pen before i knew it. he intended to butcher it but i am glad that he didn't, as we didn't "need" any more porcine flesh in the deep freezer and it was a bit small for that. he let it go instead, when he decided that it was more work than the meat would be worth. last thing, matt's mom brought us two gorgeous muscadine vines that i am quite excited about.

so i've been going to this "revelation" bible study class with my mom, mostly just to hear what the xtians really think about that highly intriguing bit of prophecy, and partly because i know she wanted me to go. but anyway, last night someone said something to me that actually made me pause for a minute and feel proud of myself, which is something that i basically never experience (for whatever reason). she was saying how she told someone about me: "she milks her own cows, makes her own yogurt and butter and cheese, and has babies in her bathtub!" and for a minute, i actually thought to myself, 'hey, that IS pretty awesome!' i also make my own soap and makeup and knit things, too. it's been a really, really long time since i felt anything like pride in myself. i assume this must be a phase of healing via homebirth after the trauma of rowan's birth... i did it, and now i am free to have confidence again.

luckily i have ben folds to remind me, "there's always someone cooler than you." wouldn't want it to go to my head :)

life with two

i am taken aback by how easy this is, so far. yes, i have a newborn who sleeps a LOT, but even when he's not sleeping things are going so amazingly well! rowan is happy, he is happy, i am happy and totally unstressed, my house is clean (like, really really clean), and i even usually have time to brush my teeth and shower every day. my hair is neglected but i'm ok with that, lol.

liam does have some gross eye goo going on that i am no longer worried about, but definitely watching. yesterday we took him to have his bilirubin levels tested--apparently it's "routine" for a jaundiced newborn--which was sort of a fiasco but i don't need to get into it. i had them do a PKU test too, just for the hell of it. i have issue with the privacy and usage laws in florida on genetic material, but i'd like to know if he happens to have some random disorder... and since they were pricking his heels anyhow, it seemed like the right thing to do. he took it like a champ though! he fussed for a second but i let him have my pinky and he calmed himself immediately. tough guy. his nighttime sleeping habits are awesome too; he sleeps 3 hours, wakes to eat, and back out again. the only trouble i am having is that he doesn't want to sleep in his cradle... he doesn't need to nurse all night (which rowan did--ugh!), and i don't have to hold him, but i guess the cradle is uncomfortable or something b/c he has so far only slept well in the bed. when matt comes back to the room with us tonight it's going to be interesting... i'm not into having daddy-the-heavy-sleeper in bed with baby.

rowan has been having a great old time lately, as we've had a few of her little friends over to visit, my mom has been around constantly, and people keep bringing her presents. and she loves the baby. tomorrow matt's mom will be coming in and that will make her weekend... toys and constant attention galore! she's been so good. she has two molars now and working on the canines. at the doc's it turns out she is above 90% for weight and 75% for height! i can't believe the mini-girl has become a giant... but then again, i was a large child too, until i turned 12 and everyone kept growing except me. hehe.

i have farm updates too for later... baby up...

by the way, his name...

is Liam Matthew. after 4 days we finally settled on it.

the nameless one's birth story

well, something was definitely happening. we had a baby that night!

the facts:
i asked debbie to check me around 530pm and i was dilated to 3cm, and by about 630pm i was having contractions enough to make me pause and breathe while i made dinner. we ate, and by 730 i was in bed coping and trying to rest. i'm not sure how long i was there before i felt like i had better get in the tub, but labor was for real so i called debbie and we agreed she'd give it a little while and then leave (she lives over an hour away!)... and i got in the bath and never got back out again. matt called karen and my mom at some point, too, such that they all arrived at exactly the same time (i'm told it was 9:40pm).

by the time karen popped her head in the bathroom i was in or past transition and had had several "pushy" contractions. there was a definite period where i was falling asleep between them so i assume they spaced out and gave me a rest the way books always say it happens during transition. debbie came in to set up and then went back out for a little bit, and i'm not sure when but shortly after that i told karen to get matt because i was feeling the baby's head in my birth canal! i wasn't sure how fast it would all go, but i knew he needed to be there asap... after a few more pushy contractions i told them to let my mom in too, and then all of a sudden he was crowning. it felt like it took forever for that to end... it was intense... but as soon as his head was out the rest of him came on the next push. straight into the bath and up into my arms and it was over. he was born at 1042pm on september 29. 7lb 12oz.

my reflections:
first, debbie was the best midwife ever. i needed no help and she offered none save once; i was struggling to birth his head as slowly as i could--"pushing" is more like holding on for dear life--and she said "take control of it" and that was the only advice or intervention she gave me the entire time she was present. no blood pressure checks, no heart tone checks, no temperatures... she let me give birth without making herself important or necessary for any reason whatsoever. it was amazing.

as for the birth, i got exactly what i was too afraid to dare i could have... despite the onlookers (which is all they were, though matt being there meant more of course) i had an unassisted birth. no one spoke, no one intervened, and i labored alone in the dark in my bathtub the entire time, which was surprisingly short. i think there was an oil lamp and a few candles lit, actually, but it was basically the dark. debbie told me later it was as peaceful of a birth as she has ever seen, and that made me really happy. from my perspective it was thrashing and shouting, but apparently i didn't actually do what i imagined i was doing. i birthed his head leaning over the side of the tub on my knees, and once it was out i sort of flopped backwards to birth the rest of him and take him out of the water. my poor mom, finally allowed into the birth room, missed the birth because of a phone call. she went out to get something for debbie, the phone rang, and when she came back he was out. i think she was pretty upset about it, but i did my best to give her a chance at least.

(my train of thought is a little off b/c i've been writing this for 3 days)

i know that labor technically went from about 330-1042 but for me it was really only the last two to three hours that were "labor" which is so shocking to me since rowan's was a full 17 hours of excruciating contractions from start to finish (thank you very much, castor oil). it wasn't until yesterday, when i really started to process this amazingly perfect birth experience, that i realized just how fucked-the-fuck-up rowan's birth really was. i felt like i had been hit by a truck, beaten with 2x4s between my legs, deflated in the belly, and totally psychotically miserable for weeks after she was born. weeks. after this birth i was tired but normal... like, really, normal. i woke up the next day and was barely sore. i couldn't kegel for months after rowan, and bladder control was a really tough issue--this time, it's like nothing even happened. i am normal. i tore slightly but it was superficial enough to let alone, and it doesn't even hurt; there are some spots that burn when i pee though, so i know there are a few little splits or "skid marks" hiding down there. i'm dwelling on all this because i'm honestly having a really hard time accepting that THIS is what birth does to you: not much! it's not the terrible, traumatic, difficult trial we have all been lead to believe... or at least, it doesn't have to be. i am so totally myself it's almost scary. in the best way, of course.

i'm going to end this here because i have been writing for DAYS and not published yet; time is precious and i haven't had a whole lot of it. despite this, life is surprisingly unstressful and extremely pleasant... i'm really, really happy. rowan is taking it like an angel, too... she loves the baby and has displayed absolutely no signs of jealousy whatsoever. the darling.

anyway, he's calling me. more when i have time, including photos.


well, i am leaking amniotic fluid. apparently that's just what happens first with me. around 315 i got a "real" contraction, felt like i had to use the potty, and when i walked back into the kitchen i was leaking. some of my plug was lost too. so i have been wearing a 'depends'--yes, the old people diapers--since then and there has been a steady leak along with more plug. yum. i've had one or two more real contractions since then, very sporadic.

but YAY! something is happening! he might actually be born on my birthday after all :) :) :)

now to pressure matt into the naming thing when he comes home... luckily debbie is on her way for a visit anyhow so i think i will let her check me for dilation. we'll see.

two posts in one day?

yes. i am so ready for this baby to get here. there is nothing that i *need* to do anymore... one or two things i'd like to do, which i will do tomorrow barring interference, but nothing pressing or that i really care if i don't do. i'm ready to settle in now.

i've been trying to find some labor-starting rituals (which do not involve any induction) and pretty much coming up blank. these various birthing rituals were interesting, though. i read something in a book (?) about untying all knots when labor starts to make sure nothing is holding it up--i might try wearing my hair down as a "ritual" until he's born... i'm always one for the utilitarian bun (especially at my length, right to the buttcrack!) so it will be sort of a big deal to keep it down. it'll take effort to remember not to whip it up. hm. *untwists her hair this very moment*

seriously though, i sort of thought i would find something--on kooky pagan sites at the very least--but there doesn't seem to much out there. i guess i'll have to do it the old-fashioned way and just get in the belly and try to let him know we're ready for him. it is his call, after all. emotionally i am feeling very calm and relaxed. energetically i'm a little jazzed and being quite productive without being frantic. physically i'm not as tired as i should be, but quite uncomfortable nonetheless. the house is ready, he has clothes and diapers and toys and slings and all that jazz. i think i will lay out my crystals and refine the birthing space with intention tonight... maybe that will help. and i should do some astrological checking to see what we're in for with a baby born over the next two weeks or so! can't believe i haven't done that yet...

hard belly

7:08 AM by rhiannon 0 comments
so i'm not having "contractions" in general, but the braxton-hicks are getting a bit ridiculous. basically anytime i move, my belly gets hard as a rock and uncomfortable for 20 seconds or so. it's more annoying than anything else, since i can't really move very well with all those muscles tightening up! i just hope this is a positive sign for labor to be soon. i've decided to be ready by tomorrow night... i have a few things to tackle today, then tomorrow will be a doc trip for rowan (way overdue checkup) and a stop at the post office to clear my business responsibilities, and then i'm going to dig in and wait for this baby. nothing else (though i plan to pass the time knitting my nephew's bday present).

thursday is my birthday and i wonder if we'll be weird enough to have 3 generations born on one day, as unlikely as it may be. in my head are those two names i am ready with, one of which will be his assuming matt doesn't pipe in soon. so nothing else should be holding him up after tomorrow. i'm relieved to have all the crap i've been fussing over finally finished!

yesterday rowan discovered mopping. it was really funny watching her squeal with happiness over pushing a (dry) mop across the floor in circles... i think my mom is going to get her a little girl's cleaning set for xmas--just what i need, stereotypes enforced like that. ha! it's funny though, there is a sesame street song called "women can be" or something where these female puppets are singing off-key and with a definite feminist twist about all the things women can be ("women can tame alligators") and rowan hates it. she always wants me to change it when it comes on. but at least i try...

i haven't posted anything about this, but matt is about halfway through the hiring process with the dept of corrections. we don't have a final answer yet but it's looking good; it would be amazing for him to get a "real" job right now. i'm weird about the whole jail-guard thing but matt isn't the type to let it go to his head so i hope it will be fine. we can definitely use the added income and benefits, plus the stability for him... no more hippodrome bullshit/drama.

(i started this post 2 hours ago, and i am now DONE with taking my twink photos and just have to post them! yay!! let's hope rowan keeps napping...)

i realized i am missing a key piece of my "labor supplies" which are all laid out prettily in the bathroom... i have no essential oils in that basket! wtf?? so i'm adding a small thing to my list of to-dos, and that's to make a blend of lavender, ylang-ylang, rosewood, and sage in oil for massage/sniffing during labor. and i need to grab the frankincense resin for burning; it smells so nice and apparently is good for birthing. i am so ready for this. it just occurred to me that in my imagination i am seeing this birth in a very similar way to how i felt about my wedding day beforehand... a big ritual with a lot of significance and forethought put into the unfolding of the actual event (preparing the space, setting the mood, getting myself physically/emotionally ready, looking pretty, etc). it feels the same with this birth. it's the "right" space and everything is working harmoniously to make it something to look forward to... actually, that's it--i'm looking forward to the actual birth and not just the baby. with the wedding, it was all about the event itself, and i guess that's why it feels the same. i imagine this birth as an event in its own right, rather than a way to get a baby when it's over. hm.

i'm crossing my fingers that the weather keeps cooling and the rains subside before he arrives... an outdoor birth is sounding really good lately! :)


...might not be the hardest part, but it does suck. yes i know, i'm only 38 weeks and could possibly have another month to go, but it's doubtful. today--and more so right this minute--i feel like he has descended quite a bit. there is an uncomfortable "no" feeling in my pelvis when i try to close my legs and i have developed a distinct waddle as a result... and i have had a few intermittent, painful contractions today. nothing remotely timeable, but definitely not braxton-hicks nonetheless.

i have almost everything i need to do before birth done; the last real thing is to make a batch of lotion tomorrow and then take photos of everything for t.w.i.n.k. and try to get them listed on etsy if possible. other than that, i'm ready. i have chosen two names as of tonight, and if matt won't choose his own so we can discuss it before i go into labor i am ruling him out of the decision-making process and i will sign the birth certificate myself! unless he comes up with something great, which is unlikely but always possible, this boy will be Reid Owen or Liam Wesley. i'm completely torn between the two (baby likes them both).

yesterday was a really crappy day but i'm not going to get into it--mostly hormonal troubles--and today was better. rowan is coming down with a cold, however. she's been sleeping fitfully tonight as a result of her sniffly nose (and probably that other molar that is halfway in!). but as usual, she's in a pleasant mood anyhow and has been totally adorable lately. she learned how to turn around, thanks to her favorite sesame street dance routine, so she walks in these little circles with her head tilted to the side and it's very funny. she's also been really into this monkey doll she has ("oooh oooh") and has been putting him on the potty and helping him put shoes on repeatedly. she seems to have a natural affinity for nuturing... i should mention, though, that she is going through a major MOMMY phase. poor matt has been really making an effort to hang out with her and help out and she rejects him consistently. i try to explain it's not about him--this is totally new and clearly a phase; she has even been doing it to my mom a little bit the few times she's babysat recently--but it still hurts his feelings and makes him think she doesn't care about him. of course that is totally not true, but he wants her to say "daddy!" and run to him when he offers to read her books and she's just not into that at the moment. a few months ago it would've rocked her world, but right now it's all about me. perfect timing, as she's about to have to share my attention with a newborn..! sigh. we've had a few very mild temper flare-ups too, of the sort where she wants me to do X and i won't, so she starts an angry cry and crouches on the ground until i find a way to change the subject. matt suggested this might be the start of the 'terrible twos' and he might just be right. i thank the stars every day that rowan is so mild in general; her "bad" is nothing compared to other kids' i have seen. she's easy even when she's not; i don't have the guts to hope the same of her brother, but i guess we'll see.

this morning we went over to my sister's house and picked up butters' offspring, 18 month old marge (yes, butters and margarine) to take her off their hands; she kept escaping and causing trouble out of loneliness and desire for green grass. so now we have two cows, but only one for milking. and we really think butters is pregnant. we have to get the vet out here to check her out because the last thing i want is for her to calve unexpectedly out in the field... not that they don't do it all the time, but still. i'd like to know if we're getting a new addition! and i think my brother in law is bringing over a few of his unwanted hens to add to our flock too, which is nice. they just have too many and not enough time, so maybe i'll get lucky and one of those hens will go broody in a few months. it is starting to look like i will have incubate the nest of eggs myself, but i'm going to give our hens until friday to sit like i hope they will. also we bred one of the rabbit does on wednesday night so we may have a litter of them next month too! who would've thought fall would bring so many newborns...

nesting, birth music, etc

i don't actually know if this is "nesting" or just my insanely anal housekeeping standards since moving, but i just now had to be very stern with myself about spending valuable rowan-naptime using cotton balls and nail polish remover to get little drops of dried varnish off the kitchen floor. matt spilled some two months ago and it has mildly annoyed me ever since; i have no idea why i felt like RIGHT NOW was the time to clean it. it's an absurd job and one that can definitely wait--plus he should be doing it anyway! i chalk it up to nesting madness.

a little while ago rowan and i were sitting on the couch reading a book and all of a sudden i felt hot liquid between my legs... a lot of it... and i assumed she was peeing on me... so we got up to change her and then i had about 30 seconds of freaking out because her diaper wasn't really wet! hello water breaking?! panic ensued. thankfully i found a fresh wet spot in the diaper and my soaked shorts definitely smelled like pee, so i'm sure it wasn't amniotic fluid after all. though how she managed to pee around the diaper will never make sense to me. the last thing i want is a broken bag of waters BEFORE i start contracting (again). if it will just hold out until labor starts we'll be fine.

i've been gathering up my "birth music" recently. i find it a satisfying but difficult task, to anticipate what i will want to hear during labor. so i have three playlists: earthy (drum music), loud (tool and stuff i can sing energetically with), and quiet (mostly sigur ros and other wordless/untranslatable ambience). i figure the quiet one will be the mainstay but when i was in early labor with rowan i definitely relied on tool to get me through the nastier bits. suggestions are appreciated :)

at our last visit i told debbie not to bother bringing the birth pool since i have my wonderful bath tub, but i have been rethinking that in terms of: what if it's a really nice day and i want to birth outside? our yard is so private and there are some really nice little shaded areas under the oaks where i think it could be awesome to have a baby. i guess it will all depend on the time of day and the weather--i won't be birthing outdoors at 2am or in 90deg heat--but i'm going to see what she thinks. i saw a birth video once of a woman in a hot tub on a balcony, surrounded by color silks blowing in the wind, and it was absolutely gorgeous. as long as it's private and comfortable, why not outside?

...i just got sidetracked looking up chicken breed stuff. i'm worried big mama was a bad choice for a "sitter" so i may be switching to the australorp since they are supposedly extremely 'broody' (good nesters). now to be sure i know what to do if i have to incubate them myself..!

38 weeks tomorrow

yesterday really sucked. aside from a lovely visit with debbie, that is. poor rowan was not able (willing?) to nap at all, so she was whiny and cranky and nothing-makes-me-happy--which she never is--all freaking day. and i had stuff to do, which of course she was not having. so she was stressed, i was stressed, and we were both exhausted but couldn't sleep. i had been up all night before that with freakish amounts of energy such that i laid in bed thinking "i should just get up and do stuff" every 2 hours or so. but i didn't, knowing i needed to at least try to sleep... but it didn't make me any less tired yesterday. i was an emotional wreck all day. rowan ended up going to bed around 4pm because she couldn't keep her eyes open, but of course that was really too early, so she woke up frustrated a few times before it got dark out. but she slept through the night after that, to my great surprise.

today is the polar opposite, thank the heavens. she's on her second nap already, and has been cheerful and pleasant and i feel a lot better. i think i slept through the night, too. i've had time to do my chores plus some, get dinner in the crock pot, and even henna my hands and feet. i'm in a great mood.

i've been having some really minor pre-labor signs but they're the kind that can come a week or more before the big day... nothing i really want to get into, but the contractions, energy bursts, and other things are definitely increasing. i just have to make sure not to do anything to disturb the amniotic sac.*

in other news, my morning glories are glorious!! they weren't doing so hot after i twined them up the sides of the stairs; a few strands even died. but now they are back full-force and blooming like mad! so pretty. i wish i had been more successful with the seeds i put in the flower garden... maybe next year.

*the night i had PROM with rowan, i had been deliberately bouncing on my yoga ball in an attempt to start labor. i have always suspected that probably caused the rupture... debbie says i'm probably right. so no trampolines for me, lol.

to do list mostly done!

i'm talking about the "baby #2 is coming" list i posted a few months ago.

the last couple of things still have time, and honestly i doubt i'll be watching much netflix (though i was thinking of all the hours stuck on the couch nursing and i should probably prep it with rowan in mind!) and my chores list should be fine as it is. i have things pretty well spread out by days.

it has been SO nice out lately, mornings in the 60s--a bit odd considering it's not even technically fall yet--and it's making me totally feel ready for this. i get really happy and all in love with everything when the weather starts to change for fall... perfect time to have a baby, in my opinion. if only he had a name.

i think today i'm going to try to henna my hands and feet. i'm in a really good mood and the house is pretty spotless, so as long as i can distract rowan i should be able to squeeze in some "me" time :)

better today

i'm feeling a bit better than i was the other day. i think the bedtime thing really got to me and made me freak out about everything else; possibly. possibly not. anyway, today is ok.

i don't know if this had anything to do with it, but i babysat my nephew for a few hours and rowan is just so impossibly sweet to him, even when i am holding him, feeding him a bottle, playing with him, etc... she just wants to kiss him and give him toys. no jealousy whatsoever. i hope it is not just because he is a novelty, but i guess we will see. it gives me some optimism that maybe she won't hate me when the new baby arrives... i had a little epiphany last night--pretty DUH moment, but i needed it--i have been thinking of the new baby coming in and taking rowan's place, in her mind, but it occurred to me that there is no reason for her (or me, or anyone) to see it that way... there is room for everyone. love isn't bounded like that, and i believe that if i let her participate in loving him as much as she wants to, there's no reason it shouldn't be a blissful little group, as opposed to a competition. i realized that i assume a lot about toddler behavior, even when rowan is typically the opposite of the "me-me" child. i think she will LOVE having a little brother around, actually.

after i had this moment of understanding, it also occurred to me that i had inadvertently--or at least subconsciously--pushed his arrival date back. i am now quite unsure when he is going to be born, but i don't think it's as early as i thought. i am feeling october, and trying to undo whatever my anxiety and stress changed... i want him to come when HE is ready, not wait on my silly issues. i've heard of women "holding the baby in" and i don't want to do that. i'm trying to really embrace the image i had the other night of a delighted rowan and a cute little guy in my arms so that he knows we are ready whenever he is. but the name thing i can't do much about, so i hope it's not affecting his readiness.

despite that, last night i had so many contractions i started to seriously consider that i might be in very early labor (like the days-away-delivery kind). but today all is normal, so life goes on. i've got a ton of butter to make today and a pot of yogurt that needs to be distributed, plus laundry, and i should probably make cookies or something for my grandpa's birthday too. as well as cutting and wrapping my latest batch of soaps. plenty to do without going into labor!

i pulled up a bunch of sandspurs this morning already, and i've decided to let the big mama hen sit on a nest. our australorp hen is also laying now, as of last week, so we'll still get one egg a day this way. my plan is for the next two nights to put all the eggs in big mama's nest, to get a head start on filling it, and then go back to collecting one and leaving one every night. when she has enough to sit on, she'll stay. i'm going to mark them "a" and "b" (for australorp and barred rock) so that i know whose were fertilized in case some don't hatch. i chose the big mama barred rock to brood because she is generally friendlier and practically lets me touch her; and she's older. whatever that means. we're also going to breed one of the rabbits tonight or later this week, and plans are in the works to get butters inseminated. her milk supply has dropped by about a quart a day, so it's time to get her pregnant and start a fresh lactation cycle. and matt wants a meat calf anyway. it's finally starting to really cool down, so i think it's safe to let everybody breed...

speaking of which, i'm not sure i ever mentioned my plans for after this baby is born--we're "done" having kids, most likely, and matt wants a vasectomy but i am going to try the copper IUD before i let him do anything permanent. you never know. so; six weeks postpartum or as soon as they will let me, i'm doing it. it's crazy that we went several years without reliable or consistent birth control and no pregnancy, and then all of a sudden i'm pregnant twice in a row at the first incidence of an accident. i definitely don't want to have another accident, and i'm fine with non-hormonal IUDs... i'd love to rely on the FAM but i just can't risk it. we're not ready for three kids.

off to get going on the rest of my chores for the day...

link: the breast-crawl (self-attachment)

so her posts over at the other side of the glass are often long and not necessarily well-organized, but there are always hefty nuggets of insight and genuine truth in them. this one is no exception, and i got a lot out of reading about what was taken away from her son--as well as herself--during their birth. and the healing that came much later.

it's not all about your experience as the birthing mother... the baby's experience is at least as critical, as s/he is imprinting in ways we probably will never understand. i try to remember that all the time... this homebirth is not just for me. it's for his sake.

to the post

37 weeks today

7:37 PM by rhiannon 0 comments

i know i should be posting about the pregnancy, but all i can think about is rowan, lately. i have been rather unpleasantly emotional recently and i think i am mourning our loss of one-on-one time that is soon to come. i feel guilty for having another baby, in part, and in part i just really don't want it to end. i will miss being with just her and participating in every little thing that pops into her head. it makes me really sad that i know i will be only half-there for her basically from now on. it's not fair, it's too soon, I MISS HER ALREADY and i feel so bad for what i imagine is equivalent to abandoning her... this issue is overshadowing everything else for me at the moment. i know i am overreacting but there is a little bit of truth under there somewhere.

in addition, we've been trying out the toddler bed the last two nights, and to say that it has gone badly would be a massive understatement. she HATES it, and works herself into such a frenzy that even after i have given up and put her in the crib, she still cries hysterically for a good long while. i'm not sure what the issue is, as she loves the thing by all appearances... she plays on it, and pretends to sleep, and will lay there happily as long as it isn't bed or nap time. but the point is, i think i am giving up for now. she's obviously not ready and we are both upsetting ourselves for the last few weeks we have alone; over something stupid. yes, i want her to sleep in the toddler bed ASAP but not at the expense of happiness and additional stress in our lives. she's already going to have to deal with an interloper, so i'd rather just keep bedtime nice and easy and put the baby in the spare bedroom for a while later, if i have to. he'll be in our room for 2 months or so anyway... (i sound like i am being really defensive, and maybe i am... this is a sort of failure, i guess, because i am giving up after two days. but right now i just don't have the emotional endurance to let to her wail for any reason or any length of time.)

as for the pregnancy, i don't really know what to say. i'm in my "window" as of today. he's in there, squirmy, and presumably getting ready to move down soon. no, we have no name yet. it fucking sucks.

i'm a little... frustrated... with my midwife also, which isn't really her fault. i guess i expect others to listen and remember things as well i as do, but no one really ever does (save half-a-handful of really good friends over the years). when i explained that i didn't want her to bring an assistant unless she REALLY has to, we discussed having karen--madame doula--serve as assistant since i don't need a coach or advocate for myself with this birth. she was all about it. we specifically discussed who i didn't want to be her assistant--someone i work with and also don't know very well--and she was fine with that. but today, after not showing up to our visit (my fault for missing a "let's reschedule" phone message earlier in the week), she calls me and mentions she wants to bring the very person i didn't want to our next visit since she will be her likely assistant. i had to re-explain myself over the phone and now i feel like an ass because i couldn't phrase it right and i'm sure i sounded whiny. i just really thought i fully explained that i need to have NO OUTSIDERS at this birth. none. unless it's an emergency.

so... add that irritation/guilt/stress to my tears for rowan, and sprinkle it with a little matt-is-cranky-today, and you get a big pot of soupy, sniffly, pathetic rhiannon.

at least i got a nap today.

blog changes

i think i have decided to start posting my "farm blog" entries here, since the things i do around here with regards to animals and gardening and food have as much to do with parenting/child rearing as anything else. and since my pregnant days will shortly be over (probably for good), it's time to morph a little bit...

i'll be rearranging the links on the right but i don't plan to delete anything and will certainly be incorporating the links from the farm blog as well. all the pregnancy/birth info will continue to be linked... i'm too into birth to stop fussing about it even if i never have another of my own! :)

i'll make some new labels for the new topics as i start to post entries that apply. i hope you will find some of my recipes and whatnot useful...

36 weeks

i haven't posted in a while because there was a half-written post i was sitting on--a whine/rant/freak-out about how everyone else was freaking out about the homebirth--that i have decided not to post after all. i'm over it and i don't want to talk about it. i have not wavered for a second over my decision and matt is supportive, and that's all that matters. everything else is speculation and possibility and that's where it should be left. we'll deal with what happens when it happens.

in the meantime, rowan has had her first shower and been to the beach. the shower surprised me because she loved it; i assumed the water spraying her head and face would be too much, but she played and yelled and had a great old time. very cute. the beach was a birthday party for two of her second cousins, and even with a 2.5 hour drive each way with a car full of my family (and infant nephew), and no nap, she was all smiles and silliness the whole day. she really really liked the sand and even the waves, amazingly. i guess her timidity is less than i have come to believe...

she also had a visit from "nana and pops" (matt's dad/wife) which was a lot of fun for her. they took us to blue springs and she squealed about all the kids diving from a platform into the frigid water. she learned to say "spider" thanks to pops. just what i need, little rowan pointing out every bloody spider she sees out here in the woods... *shudder* she's really working on her vocabulary lately and she is outgrowing shoes like it's nobody's business. size 5 as of two weeks ago and already getting tight! i can also clip her hair up into a little twisty-thing at the back, which is totally cute. matt says i need to cut her bangs but i'm not into the idea.

mr. nameless second baby is growing, too, and i am somewhat uncomfortable a lot of the time as a result. he's quite high and never changes position--just pokes his feet out my right side and punches down in my bladder--but the braxton-hicks are starting to suck now that he's nearly birthing size. there isn't much more room left for him. i look pretty weird though because i'm basically all belly and normal everywhere else. i had such a crappy time with rowan's pregnancy, but thankfully this time has been easy. the only thing that has really sucked the past few days is that i have been having some kind of reflux problem when i lay down... i'm never, ever hungry anymore because i think my stomach is completely compressed by his butt and feet (depending on the moment) and it would seem that my digestive system has basically stopped, because at 4pm today i was tasting breakfast. and when i lay down i feel nauseous and/or as if the contents of my stomach are pushing their way out-through-the-in-door. pretty gross and uncomfortable. but i still have no swelling, no arthritis, practically no leg cramps (i think i've had two actually present), no painful feet, and no general fatness. i'd even say the urinary... issues... of pregnancy are the same if not less than they were the first time; that surprises me. so if i dare to hope that the birth will reflect the 10-month journey, this might actually go pretty well.

i've got all my supplies on-hand (except a fish net, LOL)* and i was excited to be able to order three single bendable straws for $.05 each from the site where i got the stuff. so much nicer to say "hmm, i only need two adult diapers" rather than spending $15 on a package or buying a whole birth kit. i have so much stuff already that i only needed to order like $10 worth of supplies. they also sell fetoscopes and hemoglobin analyzers and things like that, for the unabirthers who want equipment.

so... my "window' commences on friday. yikes! but i guess until he drops i shouldn't be too worried. i still need to kick matt into fixing the cradle *growl* and probably clean 25 more times, but otherwise we're ready. i'd like to henna my hands and feet one of these days too. and pull some of the sandspurs out of the yard before they go to seed... and probably make a decision on what his name is going to be!! i think i have three finalists but two are untested and i'm really leaning towards #1. i guess i should post them, since i've been so secretive about the name thing thus far. possible names:
1) reid owen
2) lane matthew
3) cullen ?wood?
... not sure about the middle name on #3. i also like "flynn matthew" but flynn means red-faced and i don't want to curse him like that. and now matt just walked in and is talking with someone on the phone about names. time to pressure him :)

*if you don't know why a fish net is important for a home/water birth, you don't want to. if you do, you know why i am laughing. ah, bodily functions.

i'm tired.

we've had an eventful few days, i think. tuesday my mom and i went and got rowan her last set of free photos (my one-year membership with the company ended):
such a big girl lately

...which meant a trip to the mall and, since we were in gville anyway, target. i got a mattress for the toddler bed and a potty chair for little miss. she LOVES the new bed--all set up with her cute dragonfly sheet set--though she hasn't slept on it yet. she has, however, figured out how to safely dismount from it, even if she can't get up onto it herself yet. so far she likes to pretend to sleep on it and put her baby doll to sleep on it. at least she gets the idea.

the potty is a hit too, to my delight and surprise! the first time i put her on it she strained to produce two drops of pee, and i was shocked. we've been sitting on it several times a day, either when i have a hunch or just because... yesterday after her nap she started farting, so i whisked her in there and she pooped on the potty quite happily! i was really, really happy about that (especially since we are back to 100% cloth diapers, lol). we made a big fuss and she seemed to get it, sort of. i'm not attached to the idea that she knows what's up or will continue to do it, i'm just riding the luck for now. no need to get serious with something that i want her to be comfortable about.

wednesday we spent the day at my late great-grandmother's home, helping to make some of her possessions disappear. i brought home a recliner for our now-complete living room (we have two places to sit!), a totally awesome, seriously vintage sewing table with built in sewing machine, some quirky 1960s drinking glasses, and a bunch of bakeware. tomorrow we're picking up a spare bed and a table and chairs for outdoors. and an upright vacuum. i felt like i had been to a great flea market and scored stuff at the best price ever... despite the pangs of seeing pics of my grandmother about the place. i have to say though, i know she would want family to take everything we can before the estate sale gives it to strangers. after "shopping" most of the day, i came home and organized/rearranged furniture and stuff to fit it all in. one of my most favorite things to do (really).

yesterday... i did something yesterday but i can't really remember now. rowan hasn't been going to bed well lately. tonight it took me FIVE tries to get her to accept bedtime--no idea why. last night was not as bad, but bad enough. oh, yesterday was the milking injury, that's right. to summarize: the cow barely missed stomping on my belly. it sucked a lot. and it (all) still hurts. also yesterday rowan surprised me with her ability to follow instructions... she was wandering the living room, and i asked her very specifically to: come into the kitchen, pick up daddy's socks (which she had left there), and put them in mommy's room; and she did it! i didn't have to repeat myself. multi-part instructions are mastered :). later, she was watching the grover disco DVD while i cleaned the laundry room, and they were doing this silly dance when i heard her squealing, so i came out and hid behind the couch to watch her actually do all the steps from a seated position! it was unbelievable. i mean, yes, she knows all those body parts and whatnot, but to see her to it right, and on cue, was amazing. she would twist back and forth instead of turning around, and she tilted her head instead of falling down, but she clearly knew what she was doing. needless to say, we sang that song all day so i could watch her do it over and over. lol.

i had wacky dreams last night that i don't want to get into, and today i baked a slew of items; sourdough pretzels, two loaves of bread, one loaf of sourdough. and i made yogurt. i need to make butter again--cream is piling up. we have too much milk. this morning rowan and i went with my mom to help her clean her church, and rowan slipped on the freshly-mopped floor and slammed her head on it... it was traumatic. in the bath tonight, she stood up (which i am always bitching at her about) and slipped, and went fully under the water for a second, on her back. that is an image i fear i will never get out of my head... she was staring up in panic through the water, somehow knowing not to breathe in but unable to help herself up. she would have drowned in no time at all if i hadn't been right there to yank her up. it was really fucking scary... i'm getting upset just remembering it.

blah. so today is over, and i am tired. i think i'm going to sleep now and hope i don't have any dreams... i'd rather just pass out cold for once. unfortunately that is highly unlikely. *sigh*

still 33 weeks

matt spent all weekend mowing and clearing out the extremely overgrown sections of the yard that could be better utilized in the future; it looks great! no more piles of dead branches and 5ft high weeds near the chicken coop or within 100ft of the house. i did my part by weeding my "flower beds" around the front door, and now i just have to hit it with the weed-whacker to get the tall grass down. i even planted a crape myrtle and a rose bush :)

i realized he's nesting, in his own way. when i was getting close to rowan's due date, he canned a million things and grew us a huge garden. along with completing all the in-house projects i needed him to do, like flooring the nursery and whatnot. this time, as our home is shiny and new, he's focusing on prepping for more animals. we've got the chickens, the rabbits, and the cow, and now he's ready for sheep and/or goats. which means he needs to build a barn! hence the clearing perfectly good yard space. it's sort of fun to watch, honestly, because he gets out of character in the sense that he wants to go out and do all this stuff and gets excited about it, rather than doing it because he has to (and is neurotic about staying busy).

i had a midwife visit today, totally uneventful. she has a lot of really pretty tattoos; butterflies and flowers and an angel, and things like that. apparently her hubby is a tattoo artist--he does nice delicate work. i might call him up in the future... back to the baby, he's been sticking his feet out the right side of my belly all day and i can actually feel them! little feet! it's so funny. rowan almost always felt like an indistinct blob in there, but i really notice each part of this little guy. my weight is higher than i would have guessed it is, as i don't really look "fat" like i was with rowan. but maybe that was just the significant swelling i had last time around..?

debbie did bring up something i hadn't thought of at all, at our last visit: we need a hurricane backup plan. yes, it is florida and hurricane season... and i live in a mobile home... um... so i guess we'll be at my mom's if there is a bad storm during labor. she also mentioned that hurricanes, or any quick drop/change in barometric pressure has a notable effect on causing people to go into labor. i'd never heard that before, so i looked it up later, and despite what lay-people think, studies have actually shown that it DOES have an effect! PROM is the main thing that happens, but these days that basically means delivery the same day. so i'm really hoping this danielle storm doesn't come near us, because i am close enough to my due date to worry about crap like that. and after my dream the other night... ugh.

anyway. matt just turned off the mower so i think it's time for dinner. oh and rowan's bedtime problems seem to be just about resolved... she complains for about 30 seconds now at naptime and it's over. bedtime is back to normal. i have no idea what was going on, but i guess she's over it.

33 weeks

for the last few weeks i've found myself counting towards my "window" (37-42 weeks) instead of my due date, because i really have a hunch this guy is going to be a september baby. i've certainly been wrong before, but i just don't see him holding on through 40 weeks. he's not like rowan, always taking her time and not wanting to rush things... so my "window" is in 4 weeks.

i had a dream about him the other night, that he came super early--like 34ish weeks or so--"just so we could see him" (but he weighed over 6lbs and was perfectly healthy). i remember saying 'but how are we going to get him back in to finish gestating??' and we realized he wasn't going back, but since he seemed totally fine we decided not to tell anyone he was premature. he was fully dressed and still had the cord attached, and he looked just like my nephew. i assume that was my brain associating all preemies with kai, and using that to fill in the blank of what our little guy will look like. it was interesting though, because with rowan i always had those dreams about her poking through my very-thin belly skin so that we could see her before she was born; with him, he's just popping out early to say hi. I JUST WISH HE HAD A NAME ALREADY!

i'm starting to feel the afternoon sleepies recently, and if i stand up too fast my belly objects pretty loudly. but other than that i'm still normal; no swelling, no aching feet, no arthritis, no waking up 100x a night to pee (though i do pee a lot)... this pregnancy has been really easy. i know i painted the living room at 38 weeks or something with rowan, but even so, this time around i am much less burdened and monstrous than i was. i do have that wretched pain in my butt that tweaks itself every now and then when i move a certain way, but otherwise i feel great.

i don't know if i already mentioned this, but i've decided to attempt to double-produce milk once he arrives. it can't hurt rowan to have breastmilk again (though i won't nurse her--she's a "big girl" and will need all the reminders she can get), and i do have a decent electric pump, so why not? my production before wasn't overwhelming, but i'm going to see what i can do this time around.

she's still not napping despite being exhausted, though thankfully bedtime was fine last night. *sigh* gotta go get her up for the third time this morning...

sleepytime woes

good GODDESS this has been tough lately. for the past several days, every single time rowan has to go to sleep, whether it's nap or bedtime, she immediately poops a horrid mess that leaves her shouting (if not crying for real) and after i change her, doesn't want to sleep. we've had no naps--none--for two or three days. and bedtime tonight and last night; don't get me started. i'm starting to stress about the whole newborn-on-the-way thing... nevermind having to milk the cow before dark...

i don't know why this is going on, unless she has another bug of some kind :\. i'm hoping it only lasts a few days. we'll see...

oh, she's also learned (finally) that she can stand up in the crib and play at will. so every time i go in there to get her she's up and messing with whatever she can reach! it's actually pretty cute, and she stays entertained for longer after she wakes up nowadays, which is kinda nice. mom says next comes trying to climb out, so i'm glad we've got that toddler bed waiting to be slept on.

slings and such

i can't remember if i posted anything about this back then, but there was a time when rowan was just getting too heavy for the baby bjorn (which we used many times a day!) and i wanted to wear her on my back... but i had a lot of trouble with it. i could find instructions but had no good fabric, or the wraps were just too complicated to pull off quickly, or she would get grumpy, etc... so i've been planning ahead for the little guy since i know i will need my hands free as much as possible. i've got fabric i plan to use, and i added some wrap instructions for baby wearing in the parenting links on the right.

i have a very long piece of heavy jersey knit that should be perfect for fall/winter when he's born, and my favorite wrap so far--untested, mind you--is the newborn "burp" carry (yes, it's in greek but pictures are worth 1000 words). i am very excited at the freedom and cuddliness that wrap seems to afford. the bjorn was always a little impersonal (though rowan never minded) and the ring slings were hit or miss depending on her mood and mine. i'm banking on the wraps from here on, though i will be keeping the bjorn for backup (and matt). and since it will be cold out, neither me nor the baby will probably mind having the extra fabric wrapped around us.

in other news, today i brought our dogs back to the breeder/rescue vet lady from whom we originally got them. matt and i are both feeling shitty, guilty, and missing them :(. it really sucks. but we really had no choice about it...

yay for being productive!

yesterday i managed to make that "car bag" i was talking about, thanks to some quickly-improvised sewing and scrap fabric i had lying around (and my mom entertaining rowan while i worked). it came out pretty cute though of course i rushed it and thus some of my seams are messy. but hey, it's a car bag...

i'm thinking i might put in a divider to more easily separate baby stuff and rowan stuff, instead of just having a huge single pocket to lose things in. we'll see. yesterday i also sorted out more baby boy clothes and have arranged the dresser in rowan's room to accommodate both of their clothing and cloth diaper sets (just barely!) which makes me very happy. his drawer is organized by size, so i know where to find the stuff that will actually fit him.

this morning so far i have finished a batch of yogurt, put dinner in the crock pot, started a loaf of sourdough, done 2 loads of laundry, dealt with the animals, and thawed out some henna (which i *hope* to use later in my hair later today). weee! yes, rowan has taken a nap :)

i have been thinking about what it will mean to "nest" when my home is already clean and prepared for baby... i figure it has something to do with my constant kitchen undertakings. i am getting ready to channel all that energy into twink to crank out products over the next week or so... but that is the kind of thing i just can't do with rowan around--i need to focus 100%--so i will have to plan ahead.

...and munchkin just woke, so i gotta go rescue her.

32 weeks tomorrow

so poor little rowan is YET AGAIN battling some crazy rash-inducing diarrhea, complete with screaming fits in the middle of the night and lots of messy diaper-changes in the dark. no idea why. but her canines decided not to come in yet and instead she got a first molar(?!) the other day! i'm hoping the diarrhea is just teething, but i'm keeping my radar on.

last night i got bit by a tick! it was really creepy; i'm not a fan of arachnids in general, and i've never been bit by a tick before. had a few crawlies on me once, when we first took in our previously-stray cat neki about 5 years ago, but i managed to get them off before they could get me. this time i had to have picked it up while milking the cow. both experiences were a little bit scarring. i don't mind bugs, as a rule, but little spidery, vampiric black things are on my short list of no-likeys. i'm now on the lookout for any funny symptoms, just in case.

we've been given a bunch of really cute hand-me-down boy clothes from my sister, and a massive bag of cloth diapers that fit newborn-through-rowan-sized babies--yay!! i have enough g-diapers for a little baby up to 14lbs or so, and then some dappies for a slightly larger baby, but bigger than that i have yet to purchase any; we've been surviving off matt's mom's welcome contributions of's seventh generation diapers. those are the best disposables. of course as soon as i switch back to cloth rowan gets horrid diarrhea again... lol. i tell myself it's a good refresher for the breastmilk poo-soup that my little guy will offer up soon enough.

i have a lot to do in the next month or so, and i'm starting to get very slightly stressed out about not doing all of it yet. we don't actually have a spare bag to leave in the car, but i am thinking i will sew one up real quick since i do have a ton of heavy fabric available... but more than anything i have a lot of stuff to stock up on for twink as we are going to be vending in the gainesville citizen's coop when they open this fall, and i don't want to have to worry about it with a newborn! i just haven't had time to get cracking the way i want to, and it's weighing on me. i need to ask my mom to take rowan for a day so that i can focus and work non-stop. i'm also wondering what sort of "homebirth kit" i will need in terms of supplies, b/c i need to get that taken care of too. and lots of freezer yogurt and homemade nutri-grain bars for rowan for quick postpartum snacks for her. so much to do, so little time...

at least my babysitting stint is over this week..! i will have a LOT more time soon.

i have been having crazy sexual dreams recently, which is basically normal for me in the pregnant state. but last night something interesting happened during a coital encounter that wasn't a dream: i won't say "copious amounts," but a good bit of a strange clear fluid expelled itself from me during the moment-of-most-fun. this has never happened before, and at first i was embarrassed to think it was a result of urinary incontinence, but 1) it had no smell and 2) it was totally clear. then i was worried it might be amniotic fluid gushing away in a very PROM, but again, 1) it had no smell. this morning the sheets--in the wash now--still smelled like nothing and no stain. and i'm not leaking nor has my belly deflated. so wtf was that?? i'm so confused...

bumps on the head

the last two days have been pretty rough on little rowan's head. i can't actually count all the times she's fallen lately--new legs mean new perils--but yesterday she really hit the floor. my cousin's kid was being a little too wild and rowan was chasing him around the kitchen, and somehow she ended up tripping over her feet to land head first. she cried and cried, the poor thing, and when she had finally stopped crying her nose oozed blood! it was a little scary until i realized it was already done actively bleeding by the time it came out. she had a budding pink unicorn horn until this morning when it faded into a barely visible bruise.

today she was being all sorts of 'big stuff' climbing in and out of her blue plastic pool all by herself at my mom's house... until she miscalculated something and landed forehead-to-cheek on the concrete patio. we weren't fast enough to save her, and she actually got a little bit of a scrape in both places along with some nasty bruises. she really is tough, considering how much that must have hurt; she only cried for a minute (though it was intense). she looks awful though, very banged-up :(

i really do not like it when she gets hurt. sorry for stating the obvious, but whatever.

making progress with names

finally! the other night out of nowhere (not that i haven't mentioned it almost daily) matt pulled my list of names off the fridge and starting crossing them off one by one and commenting on how bad they were. hahaha. he doesn't realize i put half of them on there just so he has something to cross off and criticize otherwise i'd risk losing some good ones to his silliness! so we're down to about 13 good ones, half of which aren't even that good. and he was looking up more names on his own online later that night. i'm encouraged.

all of my favorites are still on there, and we even agreed on a new one that wasn't on my list :). i can only hope a decision is near... he's obviously thinking about it, which is really all i wanted.

i will be in my "window" in under 6 weeks...

daily life getting in the way of me completing the post-midwife-meeting post! i have it more than half-written but i need time to pull links to finish it properly. i hope to get to it tomorrow if not tonight.

in other news, the cow came home last weekend and is providing us with tasty fresh milk every day. it's oddly satisfying to milk a cow (and oddly similar to using a breast pump and watching with pride as the bottles fill up). it is, however, hot as b a l l s out here, even late in the evening, and so the process of actually milking her is pretty strenuous. i'm not sure i've ever sweat so much. and i keep forgetting that i'm 8 months pregnant until someone--usually my dad--gives me some crap about how i 'shouldn't be doing' this or that. i just don't feel the overwhelming blah i had with rowan when i was this late. i feel like myself, and even my belly doesn't seem to get in my way as much as i remember with her. my weight gain is less with this baby but i am surprised that would make such a difference in how i feel. back to the cow/milk thing--i've got some nice recipes on the farm blog and i think i am starting a "frugal tip" series when i think of neat stuff to share.

he is kicking the crap out of me though. several times a day i get gasp-inducing jabs that really hurt! something just makes me think he is not going to wait for his due date.

i think i quit the chiro... not just b/c he's vertex (if he still is) but b/c i'm not convinced it is helping my weird butt pain at all, and everyone tells me it's "addicting" anyway. i just don't feel any different when i leave his office than when i walk in, other than the squirmy leftover i-hate-being-cracked feeling in my fingers. so i dunno.

rowan's ear is officially better as of the doc visit today, after 10 days of antibiotics. hate that, but at least she's better. she's going through a sort of bratty phase though, just testing me all the time with things she knows she isn't allowed to do (opening the toilet lid, touching breakables at my mom's, throwing food on the floor, etc) AND she is so freaking picky with food lately. stuff she loves she will totally refuse to eat just because. it's driving me nuts, honestly, but i tell myself it's just the terrible twos coming early. i guess now is better than later..? she's not even really "bratty," per se, just a little stinker once or twice a day. it's annoying more than anything else. but to counteract that, she has started giving kisses and blowing kisses in addition to her abundant hugs (complete with back rubbing/patting), so it's hard to really get mad at her. manipulative little rat.

still no name, but i'm grilling matt daily. it's way past time to know his name!!

drama and resolution

i got a call yesterday around 530pm from sarah, sounding upset, to inform me that she was "corrected" regarding the situation with my required consult: i DO need to go see the OB, and good luck getting him to sign off on my homebirth. whatever she thought she heard about a letter and him checking out my chart in lieu of a visit was a misunderstanding. i told her i figured as much and i'd sort it out (though i didn't really care as debbie was on her way over to meet us that very moment).

about debbie; she is my dream midwife. has kids of her own (one homebirth), totally hands-off, straightforward no-nonsense common sense type chick. she's not flaky or hippieish--not that that usually bothers me--and she seems pretty much unflappable. head screwed on tight, if you know what i mean. but very personable, sarcastic, and open about her religious leanings and "faith-based" practice.* she's passionate about VBAC and does them practically for free as a "mission." as for all the little snags in my plans according to the birth center, she laughed. and i learned a few things.

apparently the law in florida, which i linked before and will do again here, is open for interpretation. after reading it again more carefully, i tend to agree with her. i learned that the protocol for "no homebirth without hemoglobin at 11g/100ml" is not the law; it's birth center protocol. as is the rule which basically ruined my last birth experience, the bit about only getting 24 hours to labor with ruptured membranes. the law says you have 12 hours to START labor after rupture. yes there are laws about progression of dilation and descent (the absurdity of having laws dictating how quickly your cervix can dilate is just baffling) which would likely have fucked me anyway, but it would have been nice to know just whose rules i was being subjected to. totally unrelated, the words "failure to progress" are so incredibly disheartening and borderline offensive that i really feel they should be stricken from official use. what a mindfuck that one was... something like "arrest of labor" due to unfavorable circumstances would be a hell of a lot more appropriate. oh well, i am preaching to the choir.

anyway things with her are going great--it has taken me a week to finish this post so i've now seen her twice--and i really think she's the right midwife for us. she may not bring an assistant, which is totally fine with me, considering i'd rather keep the circle tight and have her use karen if she needs someone.

i've completely lost my train of thought but i think this post is finished so i'm publishing it now!

*i'm kind of amused that the midwife i feel i am somehow meant to have is clearly christian. i am, as you probably know by now, very non-christian and while i'm used to being around it, it makes me a tiny bit uncomfortable most of the time... but not with her. she never asked whether we believe, and she only referred to god with a capital-g (so i can't actually say for sure whether she's christian or something else), and i just didn't get that you-don't-believe-thus-you-are-damned sense from her. and honestly, i'd rather have her tell me that god is telling her to take us to the hospital than that we ran out of time or some number isn't reading just right...

trauma revisited: reflections

"labor and birth unfold within a
complex, infinite web,
Spun by the mother,
And by everyone who has ever taught her
about mothering, birth, sexuality, pain,
control, and surrender.
All the people at her birth
helped spin the web with threads from
their histories, beliefs, experiences, fears...
and recent birth experiences that they have witnessed,
which empowered
or terrified them."

-pam england, birthing from within, p.151

i'll start there. last night i learned that matt has no idea that i still suffer from what happened with rowan's birth (i really hate calling it a "birth"). we were on a different subject, about taking babies to the chiropractor, actually, and he started ranting about what a fad things like that are, that we've been around for thousands of years without chiropractors and kids don't need that, and it's all a bunch of hippie crap just like this homebirth thing--he apparently feels that a lot people want homebirths because it's the "in" thing and not because they think it's safer, etc... so naturally i said "well i hope you know i am not one of those people" (whether they exist in reality or not) "because having been at rowan's birth i would think you know perfectly well why i won't let that happen again." his response has been lost in my memory because part of the sentence contained the following phrase, which wiped out anything else he might have said:

"you couldn't give birth"

there is no way for me to describe how it felt to hear him say that. when i recovered my powers of speech, i told him how much it hurt and how that IS THE PROBLEM and how i let everyone else make the decisions and push me into things i should have refused, and he said a few key things (after explaining he did not mean that i was defective or incapable, but that the cord issues made it impossible for me to birth her. irrelevant as far as i am concerned--which is another problem for me.):
- he said that i was "blaming everybody else" for the interventions (meaning they were necessary and i shouldn't be regretting them)
- and then he said that it "wasn't my fault" (i hear: my body just couldn't do it)
- and something about how if we had been at home we might not have known about cord issues, etc, and it might have been worse.

my emotional response to all this misunderstanding on his part is that i failed to educate him properly on what really happened, what should have happened, and what could have happened. i realized later that the only time he has heard me talk about rowan's birth (and its effect on me) was 48hrs post-hospital, when we "debriefed" with our midwife. i was distraught then, understandably, but he has never known that i continued to be distraught ever since. i feel... sad... that i never talked to him about it, that he didn't know, and now cannot understand why i feel the way i do about homebirth and the rest of it. i think he thinks i'm just being stubborn. he has no idea how much of 'me' is spent thinking about birth. he has told me that he doesn't think i'm passionate about anything--when i argued that birth is my passion, he had no idea what i was talking about. i guess in the process of having a baby and having the economic responsibilities fall solely on him (read: he's always working, like it or not), i stopped sharing his really important part of myself with him. or maybe i just didn't want to say it out loud, and now it's too late to try to help him understand. tomorrow night, when we talk to debbie, will be enlightening for him. if it doesn't just make him think i'm more of an emotional nutcase than he already knows i am.

in labor with rowan i was surrounded by people who have seen the good and the bad of birth, but people whose strongest emotion, for the most part, was worry. my parents were a mess. matt was in pain himself and worried about me. the midwife is a generally sort of worried person. karen and the birth assistant were the only calm, confident ones there--both of whom have given birth several times. (my mom is the queen of worries, birth-experienced* or not.) i don't blame any of them for anything, but the atmosphere does reflect who is in it.**

control was an issue. i think i have addressed this before. i wanted, dreamed, imagined, etc that my birth would be totally without control--that it would happen, and i would ride the wave and become birth without steering or being guided by anything but my instincts. oh, how wrong i was. i didn't know just how restrictive the "minor" rules would be; take this castor oil now, doppler every few minutes, BP/heart rate check every few minutes, time to get out of the tub, time to eat something, PUSH, time's up we're going to the hospital... then control really got involved. i had none. i wanted none, but i most definitely didn't want them to have it, either. i wanted to be at nature's mercy, and i experienced the absolute polar opposite.

i have always been good at surrender. i am by no means a submissive person, but i am more than capable of "letting go" in terms of allowing for gray-areas, releasing tensions, living in limbos of various kinds, with questions unanswered or unasked... which i think helped me manage contractions, and that's it. i was totally relaxed and letting the pain wash over me without holding on to it, but it was that same willingness to NOT FIGHT IT that allowed so many things to go askew with my experience. how was i supposed to give in to the pain and yet argue with my midwife in between contractions? i am not afraid of vulnerability--in fact i value it greatly, at times--but i have learned that it is a slippery slope in labor, with attendants you don't know well enough. my willingness to trust others to be around me at birth is greatly lessened, because i realized that some people, wonderful as they may be, will tend to take advantage whether they mean to or not. i speak of family as well as professionals, here.

i have learned something else as well; what i think is the most important answer to "why did this happen to me?" (other than the zen-master truth 'because it did' which is perfectly valid)... i've learned, very recently, that the most important third of my being, in terms of birthing a child, was absent for rowan's labor. i have never been a very physical person--i lack the strong "embodiment" of most other people, in my own opinion. call it a libra thing (which it is, often), i just don't have a solid grounding anchor to my corporeal self. i'm all emotions and mind, thinking and feeling, and not a whole lot of doing or being. i never have been. the very physical, "real," knitty-gritty bits of existence just don't hold my interest or preference very much. i don't really like my body--it does embarrassing things (just like everyone else's)--and i'm typically more than happy to forget i have to maintain it and deal with it. during rowan's labor, i was out of my body. not literally--it wasn't an OOBE--but i had definitely 'checked out' in my management of contractions, and i never checked back in, even when i needed to most. i had a single urge to push, at a moment when i was totally relaxed in the tub with only karen and/or matt (i can't remember which). that was the moment my body said "oh hey, we're in labor, let me help" before it was promptly ignored again by the other two parts of me that were preoccupied with their own shit. my brain had spent 10 months analyzing and planning and choosing what/where/who/how and my heart had invented a fantasy birth chock-full of spiritual musings, candles, and wonderment, and in the midst of all that, my body--specifically my uterus and vagina--were left out in the cold. yes i did kegels, but come on. i did NO work towards integrating my body or even really focusing on the fact that its role was worth my time. my dreams of having babies i couldn't recall birthing speak to the effect this metaphysical separation had. as does the actual event of her birth, with me numb(ish) and someone else doing it for me. i went into her birth with too many ideas and hopes and not nearly enough CAN DO and physical, visceral knowing. and i had far, far too much anxiety about ending up at the hospital.

if you had asked me, as a midwife once did, what my biggest fear of birth was, i would have said ending up at the hospital. maybe i'd have said a c-sect, but i don't think so. i was so unspeakably horrified at the thought of the hospital that i could not allow myself to consider that it might happen. i was in total denial because the possibility was crushing. i see now what a weakness that was, and though i knew it to be so then also, it paralyzed me at the time. i think a little bit of connecting with my body might have changed that a lot. it sounds strange, but i've always been squeamish about watching births on film--i could never handle crowning or what follows--and even through my pregnancy with rowan it was too much for me to see. i get grossed out by bodily things (castor oil was a terrible way for me, especially, to begin labor)... they make me uncomfortable. but i feel "in" my body this time. i feel like a woman, like a mammal designed for vaginal expulsion of offspring, and i'm not disgusted by that. i'm empowered by it, in fact. unashamed. my hips will open, my vagina 'will get huge'**, and i will produce a baby from between my thighs, covered in blood, vernix, and whatever else needs to accompany him. i don't say this to fool myself into feeling ok with it--like i did last time--i say it with conviction and even, shockingly, pride.

i will end with this quote, which is so profoundly related to birth i don't really know what else to say about it, except perhaps that i was very nearly destroyed by what i did not bring forth...

"if you bring forth that which is within you,
what you bring forth will save you.
if you do not bring forth that which is within you,
what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
gospel of st. thomas

i hate to say that i am looking for salvation in this birth, but i would be lying if i didn't say it. my only fear now is what will happen to me as a human, as a mother, and as a wife, if i don't do it right this time.

*my own birth, according to my mother, was a scary labor because she was young and inexperienced, but it was short (~8h) and uncomplicated except that the doc used his hands as forceps to deliver just my face so that i could breathe, since the placenta was separating early. i doubt that i carry any birth trauma of my own that i need/ed to relive, but who knows. i was not separated from her, she breastfed me, and she labored without any drugs.

**despite the above, i believe that matt will be a good partner in labor, present and supportive, barring any sudden toothaches. he has seen the worst of me already and that makes him safe. karen too, has seen it all for me and for other laboring women, and i trust her on every level. anyone else in my space will be heavily scrutinized before the moment arrives.

**thanks, ina may.