so i'm not having "contractions" in general, but the braxton-hicks are getting a bit ridiculous. basically anytime i move, my belly gets hard as a rock and uncomfortable for 20 seconds or so. it's more annoying than anything else, since i can't really move very well with all those muscles tightening up! i just hope this is a positive sign for labor to be soon. i've decided to be ready by tomorrow night... i have a few things to tackle today, then tomorrow will be a doc trip for rowan (way overdue checkup) and a stop at the post office to clear my business responsibilities, and then i'm going to dig in and wait for this baby. nothing else (though i plan to pass the time knitting my nephew's bday present).
thursday is my birthday and i wonder if we'll be weird enough to have 3 generations born on one day, as unlikely as it may be. in my head are those two names i am ready with, one of which will be his assuming matt doesn't pipe in soon. so nothing else should be holding him up after tomorrow. i'm relieved to have all the crap i've been fussing over finally finished!
yesterday rowan discovered mopping. it was really funny watching her squeal with happiness over pushing a (dry) mop across the floor in circles... i think my mom is going to get her a little girl's cleaning set for xmas--just what i need, stereotypes enforced like that. ha! it's funny though, there is a sesame street song called "women can be" or something where these female puppets are singing off-key and with a definite feminist twist about all the things women can be ("women can tame alligators") and rowan hates it. she always wants me to change it when it comes on. but at least i try...
i haven't posted anything about this, but matt is about halfway through the hiring process with the dept of corrections. we don't have a final answer yet but it's looking good; it would be amazing for him to get a "real" job right now. i'm weird about the whole jail-guard thing but matt isn't the type to let it go to his head so i hope it will be fine. we can definitely use the added income and benefits, plus the stability for him... no more hippodrome bullshit/drama.
(i started this post 2 hours ago, and i am now DONE with taking my twink photos and just have to post them! yay!! let's hope rowan keeps napping...)
i realized i am missing a key piece of my "labor supplies" which are all laid out prettily in the bathroom... i have no essential oils in that basket! wtf?? so i'm adding a small thing to my list of to-dos, and that's to make a blend of lavender, ylang-ylang, rosewood, and sage in oil for massage/sniffing during labor. and i need to grab the frankincense resin for burning; it smells so nice and apparently is good for birthing. i am so ready for this. it just occurred to me that in my imagination i am seeing this birth in a very similar way to how i felt about my wedding day beforehand... a big ritual with a lot of significance and forethought put into the unfolding of the actual event (preparing the space, setting the mood, getting myself physically/emotionally ready, looking pretty, etc). it feels the same with this birth. it's the "right" space and everything is working harmoniously to make it something to look forward to... actually, that's it--i'm looking forward to the actual birth and not just the baby. with the wedding, it was all about the event itself, and i guess that's why it feels the same. i imagine this birth as an event in its own right, rather than a way to get a baby when it's over. hm.
i'm crossing my fingers that the weather keeps cooling and the rains subside before he arrives... an outdoor birth is sounding really good lately! :)
thursday is my birthday and i wonder if we'll be weird enough to have 3 generations born on one day, as unlikely as it may be. in my head are those two names i am ready with, one of which will be his assuming matt doesn't pipe in soon. so nothing else should be holding him up after tomorrow. i'm relieved to have all the crap i've been fussing over finally finished!
yesterday rowan discovered mopping. it was really funny watching her squeal with happiness over pushing a (dry) mop across the floor in circles... i think my mom is going to get her a little girl's cleaning set for xmas--just what i need, stereotypes enforced like that. ha! it's funny though, there is a sesame street song called "women can be" or something where these female puppets are singing off-key and with a definite feminist twist about all the things women can be ("women can tame alligators") and rowan hates it. she always wants me to change it when it comes on. but at least i try...
i haven't posted anything about this, but matt is about halfway through the hiring process with the dept of corrections. we don't have a final answer yet but it's looking good; it would be amazing for him to get a "real" job right now. i'm weird about the whole jail-guard thing but matt isn't the type to let it go to his head so i hope it will be fine. we can definitely use the added income and benefits, plus the stability for him... no more hippodrome bullshit/drama.
(i started this post 2 hours ago, and i am now DONE with taking my twink photos and just have to post them! yay!! let's hope rowan keeps napping...)
i realized i am missing a key piece of my "labor supplies" which are all laid out prettily in the bathroom... i have no essential oils in that basket! wtf?? so i'm adding a small thing to my list of to-dos, and that's to make a blend of lavender, ylang-ylang, rosewood, and sage in oil for massage/sniffing during labor. and i need to grab the frankincense resin for burning; it smells so nice and apparently is good for birthing. i am so ready for this. it just occurred to me that in my imagination i am seeing this birth in a very similar way to how i felt about my wedding day beforehand... a big ritual with a lot of significance and forethought put into the unfolding of the actual event (preparing the space, setting the mood, getting myself physically/emotionally ready, looking pretty, etc). it feels the same with this birth. it's the "right" space and everything is working harmoniously to make it something to look forward to... actually, that's it--i'm looking forward to the actual birth and not just the baby. with the wedding, it was all about the event itself, and i guess that's why it feels the same. i imagine this birth as an event in its own right, rather than a way to get a baby when it's over. hm.
i'm crossing my fingers that the weather keeps cooling and the rains subside before he arrives... an outdoor birth is sounding really good lately! :)
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