liam is such a good baby! "good" meaning "easy," that is. he sleeps for long stretches both day and night, wakes to eat (a lot, for a long time) and then sleeps more. he's getting a little more interactive and wants to look around at stuff as the days go on, too, which is nice. i feel a little weird about this because for some reason i am kind of anti-pacifier, but he has been trying so hard to grab his thumb that i actually bought a pacifier... and he really likes it. i'm limiting the use to 'baby-is-crying-and-i-have-to-help-rowan' moments, mostly, and i hope to cut it out as soon as he finds that thumb. i guess i'm against it because something tells me he should be nursing if he wants to suck that badly; but there are times he just can't, like in the car. so it's ok.
rowan has been a little bit irritable lately, but i'm not really sure it has anything to do with liam... she is also cutting at least one canine and that second molar is still pushing itself fully out. and she hasn't had a nap in days, thanks to the teeth. so any of the above could be reasons for her crankiness (and she is still apparently in love with the baby). we had a bunch of visitors this last week or so and matt's dad is coming up soon too, so at least she hasn't been bored!
on the farm side of things, big news--butters is most definitely very pregnant. (did i post that already?) you can see a calf moving around in her huge belly, so we've stopped milking and will let her dry up before giving birth and starting a new lactation. marge is cute and mostly pointless, but she's happy. we bred one of the rabbit does and she should be having kits next weekend. i'm incubating a batch of eggs under a heat lamp that should be due right about halloween, if they hatch at all. matt has the garden prepped for winter/spring crops and i think he will be planting any day now... he seeded the soon-to-be second pasture with rye for the winter too. oh, and he managed to CATCH a wild pig last week!! it was pretty nuts... he saw them running around in the field next door and decided he wanted to trap one, and the next day he actually did it. i have no idea how, but the little thing was in a 4x4 dog pen before i knew it. he intended to butcher it but i am glad that he didn't, as we didn't "need" any more porcine flesh in the deep freezer and it was a bit small for that. he let it go instead, when he decided that it was more work than the meat would be worth. last thing, matt's mom brought us two gorgeous muscadine vines that i am quite excited about.
so i've been going to this "revelation" bible study class with my mom, mostly just to hear what the xtians really think about that highly intriguing bit of prophecy, and partly because i know she wanted me to go. but anyway, last night someone said something to me that actually made me pause for a minute and feel proud of myself, which is something that i basically never experience (for whatever reason). she was saying how she told someone about me: "she milks her own cows, makes her own yogurt and butter and cheese, and has babies in her bathtub!" and for a minute, i actually thought to myself, 'hey, that IS pretty awesome!' i also make my own soap and makeup and knit things, too. it's been a really, really long time since i felt anything like pride in myself. i assume this must be a phase of healing via homebirth after the trauma of rowan's birth... i did it, and now i am free to have confidence again.
luckily i have ben folds to remind me, "there's always someone cooler than you." wouldn't want it to go to my head :)
rowan has been a little bit irritable lately, but i'm not really sure it has anything to do with liam... she is also cutting at least one canine and that second molar is still pushing itself fully out. and she hasn't had a nap in days, thanks to the teeth. so any of the above could be reasons for her crankiness (and she is still apparently in love with the baby). we had a bunch of visitors this last week or so and matt's dad is coming up soon too, so at least she hasn't been bored!
on the farm side of things, big news--butters is most definitely very pregnant. (did i post that already?) you can see a calf moving around in her huge belly, so we've stopped milking and will let her dry up before giving birth and starting a new lactation. marge is cute and mostly pointless, but she's happy. we bred one of the rabbit does and she should be having kits next weekend. i'm incubating a batch of eggs under a heat lamp that should be due right about halloween, if they hatch at all. matt has the garden prepped for winter/spring crops and i think he will be planting any day now... he seeded the soon-to-be second pasture with rye for the winter too. oh, and he managed to CATCH a wild pig last week!! it was pretty nuts... he saw them running around in the field next door and decided he wanted to trap one, and the next day he actually did it. i have no idea how, but the little thing was in a 4x4 dog pen before i knew it. he intended to butcher it but i am glad that he didn't, as we didn't "need" any more porcine flesh in the deep freezer and it was a bit small for that. he let it go instead, when he decided that it was more work than the meat would be worth. last thing, matt's mom brought us two gorgeous muscadine vines that i am quite excited about.
so i've been going to this "revelation" bible study class with my mom, mostly just to hear what the xtians really think about that highly intriguing bit of prophecy, and partly because i know she wanted me to go. but anyway, last night someone said something to me that actually made me pause for a minute and feel proud of myself, which is something that i basically never experience (for whatever reason). she was saying how she told someone about me: "she milks her own cows, makes her own yogurt and butter and cheese, and has babies in her bathtub!" and for a minute, i actually thought to myself, 'hey, that IS pretty awesome!' i also make my own soap and makeup and knit things, too. it's been a really, really long time since i felt anything like pride in myself. i assume this must be a phase of healing via homebirth after the trauma of rowan's birth... i did it, and now i am free to have confidence again.
luckily i have ben folds to remind me, "there's always someone cooler than you." wouldn't want it to go to my head :)
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