webster technique

ok, so i decided to take a look and make sure there are no risks to the webster technique for turning breech babies, now that i have had two chiropractic adjustments which included it...

and i'm kind of disturbed at what i found. not that there are any risks or dangers to speak of, but rather that chiropractors are talking crap about it and saying what a quack method it is. i've only seen one highly-questionable study referenced over and over again. and if the dude talking about the certification process isn't lying, that's just... *splutter*

google it, if you care, but don't hit enter--watch what options for auto-fill come up and pick one of the negative ones (because there will be negative ones). there's enough out there to make anyone skeptical.

so whatever. i'm going to the chiro anyway for my weird leg/butt-twinges and tight shoulders, and it can't possibly hurt anything for him to massage that spot on my abdomen (he always makes sure the baby isn't in the way) for 15 seconds. but i feel really annoyed that the APA, my midwife, and millions of other people buy into these magical techniques without looking into them--just like i did! gullible, much? i guess pregnant women are just SO DESPERATE to turn their babies that they will try anything. *sigh* i will, if it comes down to it.

next stop: handstands in the pool (thank you, karen)...

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