i hope any locals who read this will come to the gainesville local art mart (GLAM) on 11/22 from 2-6pm! it should be a lot of fun and a great way to stock up on handmade gifts for the holidays. we'll be selling screenprinted shirts, t.w.i.n.k. stuff, and maybe some of matt's drawings too.

in other news, i had the talk with work and it went surprisingly well. they did let me go, as i expected, because they need a full-time person... so i am free to pursue my path with the birth center on good terms knowing it was not really my choice to let UF go.
so now i have a month to get my teeth fixed before our insurance runs out--i need some work. it sucks. i guess i should probably get a good general checkup too and make sure i don't need any other medical help in the immediate future, since i will soon be without insurance. but at least matt and rowan will be taken care of thanks to public programs.
i start with the birth center tomorrow! i seriously can't wait to go to a job that doesn't stress me out and make me act un-like myself all the time. i have changed quite a bit since working for UF just as a result of the way i have to interact with people on a daily basis... i lost a key "me" part of my personality a while back; the part of me that was totally open, lighthearted, a little bit flaky, and yet somehow wise. i'm excited to become reacquainted with it in an environment of femininity and peacefulness, and ditch this grounded cranky serious persona i have taken on.
(it's funny that as i write this i catch myself singing "boop-be-doop" OUT LOUD like i do when rowan is around and needs to be entertained while i do a chore or something... totally ridiculous. maybe having a baby will help me stop being so serious too, haha.)
but seriously, i miss my old hippie jewelry and the sort of crazy way i used to dress and think nothing of it, my long absurdly purple hair, etc. no, i am not going through a midlife crisis, but i do think i am in need of a reorientation and a centering. i think it's happening anyway actually, and the things in my life which are facilitating it were somehow positioned just for that purpose. ooOOOOoooo.
anyway. my mom just informed me that rowan made a new game today: she shook her head as if to say "no" and when she and matt laughed, she kept doing it. silly girl. i miss her so much sometimes. but i think it's good for her to be away from me a little bit. i just hope tomorrow goes well with our new nanny! it will be the first and probably only time that someone she doesn't know watches her. after this week my lovely friend, doula, and pregnant lady karen will be her new nanny one day a week. yay!

in other news, i had the talk with work and it went surprisingly well. they did let me go, as i expected, because they need a full-time person... so i am free to pursue my path with the birth center on good terms knowing it was not really my choice to let UF go.
so now i have a month to get my teeth fixed before our insurance runs out--i need some work. it sucks. i guess i should probably get a good general checkup too and make sure i don't need any other medical help in the immediate future, since i will soon be without insurance. but at least matt and rowan will be taken care of thanks to public programs.
i start with the birth center tomorrow! i seriously can't wait to go to a job that doesn't stress me out and make me act un-like myself all the time. i have changed quite a bit since working for UF just as a result of the way i have to interact with people on a daily basis... i lost a key "me" part of my personality a while back; the part of me that was totally open, lighthearted, a little bit flaky, and yet somehow wise. i'm excited to become reacquainted with it in an environment of femininity and peacefulness, and ditch this grounded cranky serious persona i have taken on.
(it's funny that as i write this i catch myself singing "boop-be-doop" OUT LOUD like i do when rowan is around and needs to be entertained while i do a chore or something... totally ridiculous. maybe having a baby will help me stop being so serious too, haha.)
but seriously, i miss my old hippie jewelry and the sort of crazy way i used to dress and think nothing of it, my long absurdly purple hair, etc. no, i am not going through a midlife crisis, but i do think i am in need of a reorientation and a centering. i think it's happening anyway actually, and the things in my life which are facilitating it were somehow positioned just for that purpose. ooOOOOoooo.
anyway. my mom just informed me that rowan made a new game today: she shook her head as if to say "no" and when she and matt laughed, she kept doing it. silly girl. i miss her so much sometimes. but i think it's good for her to be away from me a little bit. i just hope tomorrow goes well with our new nanny! it will be the first and probably only time that someone she doesn't know watches her. after this week my lovely friend, doula, and pregnant lady karen will be her new nanny one day a week. yay!
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