a tooth!

since i last posted about rowan, she is eating solids, sitting up by herself, and she has a tooth! yesterday in the NICU waiting room she had her mouth hanging open and i saw a little sliver of white in there and when i felt it it was sharp! it already cut through, so i'm hoping that is why she was having the night-waking issues lately, but who knows. it's just barely poking out of her gums :)

she's eating food twice a day, breakfast and dinner, and loves it. she eats bananas, oatmeal, avocadoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and pears. and i've given her homemade almond milk which she also likes quite well. she's teaching herself to pick up the sippy cup but most of the time she just throws it across the room.

she's really cute and has handled my absence lately very well, which i am grateful for. karen and my neighbor have been watching her and she's always good for them. her 'pops' (matt's dad) was here early in the week also and she had fun playing with him and daddy while i was visiting melissa at the hospital.

she's 6 months old (24 weeks) today!

life, happening.

9:20 PM by rhiannon 0 comments
the past two weeks have been so f*cked up.

first, my sister had the routine pentascreen (genetic test during pregnancy) which came back with elevated AFP levels, which could be a fluke or could mean serious disorders like spina bifida in the baby. so she went for a follow-up ultrasound last friday, during which they saw that her baby--a boy--had a hole in his belly and his intestines were outside of his body. it's called gastroschisis. they told her if he survived to full-term, and if he survived birth itself, he would have a 90% survival rate though he would have to undergo surgeries and be in NICU and so on and so forth... i can only imagine what she and her husband went through, because i know when i found out i cried harder than when my grandmother died. it felt like i was learning that MY baby was going to be hurt, or might die. it was unbearable.

two days later, on sunday night, i got a call that she was in the ER because she was having contractions and had started premature labor. she was 23 weeks pregnant.

i rushed to the hospital and was there as they wheeled her into her room in shands' labor and delivery, where she told me she was dilated to 5cm* but thankfully her waters hadn't broken. they pumped her full of nifedipine to stop the contractions and they gave her steroid shots for the baby's lungs just in case he was delivered--at 23 weeks his lungs were not even close to being ready to take in air. she was confined to 100% bed rest with her feet inclined above her head to reduce pressure on her cervix, and stuck in the hospital with the understanding that she wouldn't be going home until she delivered, whether it be in 3 days or 3 months. we were all terrified and didn't know what to do, considering this baby was not only trying to be premature but also had complications that would put even a full-term baby at risk... all we could do was visit her and try to be encouraging, which we all did.

melissa made it 10 days drugged in misery, fear, pain (from ongoing contractions), and humiliation (bed pans and sponge baths) before Kai Lani was born on tuesday 10/27/09. he was 24.5 weeks gestational age, just over halfway "cooked." his birth was uneventful; melissa had a series of 3 contractions back-to-back suddenly, my mom called me, and he was born before i made the 6 minute trip to the hospital from my house. two pushes was all it took, as he was already nearly falling out of her by that point. he breathed on his own, he was vigorous, and they rushed him to NICU.

that was a bad night. after they took her baby away from her, they left melissa with us in her room to deal with the flood of birth hormones and the absence of her baby, which she was heartbroken over despite her best efforts to remain unattached out of self-preservation. we waited and waited for them to come in and tell us he was ok and that we could see him, but when they finally came in it was with the subtly-ominous words "we need you now" as they practically dragged melissa into the wheelchair... the RN actually allowed my mom and i to go in even though the rules say only 2 people per baby, which confirmed what i thought i had heard in her voice... we were about to lose him and it was time to say goodbye. i was completely distraught but trying SO hard to keep my shit together for melissa's sake but it was possibly the hardest thing i've ever done. i think she was numb. we went over to his little bed/machine and we learned he had been without a heartbeat for 10 minutes (though they were doing constant chest compressions on his tiny body)... watching them press on him and mess with tubes in his throat and thinking that he was dying pushed me over the edge and i started hyperventilating and completely broke down; thankfully the nurse saw me before i let it out and she rushed me out the door at which point i lost it, just sobbing uncontrollably in total despair and sorrow for melissa, for james, for that poor little baby and for the rest of us. i just couldn't watch them do what they were doing to his little fragile body, even though i knew they were trying to save him... i don't know where melissa got the strength to endure, but she amazed me that night. i am not nearly as strong as she is.

eventually melissa and james came back to the room sort of blankly staring, but they said he was ok. we were visited by a few other doctors who explained a lot about prematurity and gastroschisis and how it's not good that he had an "event" like that on his first night, so the outlook was uncertain. they said they would do a brain ultrasound after a few days to check for any serious hemorrhage that might indicate brain damage, as melissa and james had decided they didn't want to put him through a life that would be unfulfilling for him if he has serious mental disability. again, i don't know how they can be so strong. i think they are making the compassionate choice but i don't think i could do that myself... i wouldn't be able to willingly let go.

so far he's done well, he's been stable and they say he's "kicking and screaming" which is a good thing. they say there have not been any obvious signs of brain damage, so that's good but not a definite. he needs a blood transfusion so either james or me will be the ones to give it, depending on what melissa wants (james smokes/drinks so his blood isn't as "clean" as mine, as i take no meds, etc). he is so, so tiny though. it's painful to watch him be in the incubator...he should be cozy and safe inside melissa's womb for another few months. but it is absolutely amazing that the technology exists to keep him safe even outside the body. i'm not going to go into detail about all the things they have to do to him, the tubes in his body, etc, because it just makes me hurt inside, but i am grateful that they have done so much already. i just hope he continues to be ok and comes out as normal as possible... but i think everything happens for a reason, so whatever is is as it should be.

melissa and james are holding up ok. it's not easy, but they visit kai something like twice a day and melissa is pumping diligently to make sure he has breast milk when it is time for him to take it. they can't touch him yet. they'll do the head ultrasound tuesday or thursday, so until then there is a lot of anxiety because no one knows what will ultimately happen to the little guy. for my part, it is so, so hard to think that he might be severely impaired and they decide not to continue keeping him alive. i don't know how or why, but i love that baby so much and i just want him to grow up and be rowan's cousin...

as a side note, visiting the NICU (again yesterday) was a very difficult experience. i was happy to see kai, and while he is a pathetic little creature, what was even harder was hearing all the other tiny babies cry, their premature cries so soft and plaintive, just wanting to be comforted and held and kept safe. for the most part, no one was there to visit them, though there was at least one attendant for every baby... but the attendants don't hold them. i realize people have to work, but how can you leave your baby in a box and not be there when it cries? i was overwhelmed a few times, just desperate to give them love but not allowed to... being surrounded by so much helplessness and vulnerability crying out for attention was quite too much for me. for a moment i considered a career path that would let me care for them, but i realized it would kill me to have to do anything that might hurt them even for their best interests.

equally so, i mourn the loss of my sister's pregnancy... she did not get to experience enough of the joy of carrying a baby, of feeling his kicks get stronger over time, of having a glorious belly, of being so big and uncomfortable you can't get around easily, of slowly learning who her baby is, of desperately WANTING that baby and wanting not to be pregnant anymore. and of just being happy about the birth, of having a shower and planning the room, and daydreaming about what he will look like and when he'll be born. kai's birth was all fear and worry and reluctance, and melissa's experience was cut so short she didn't have a chance to appreciate being pregnant. it sucks.

i have learned something about myself through rowan's birth and now kai's, however. i still do believe that nature dictates that some babies and some mothers die during childbirth, and that that is the normal way of life; but i also realize that the bottom line is, when it's you, and the technology exists to save yourself or your baby, you can't refuse it. maybe it goes against nature, but it is OUR nature to do anything to save our own lives and the lives of our children. until there is no choice, there is no choice. i get it, and even if i philosophically disagree with them, my actions speak to my reality.

please send happy thoughts of love and healing to kai, to melissa, and to james. they need it.

*if you do not know much about pregnancy and childbirth here's a quick breakdown: the cervix should be tightly closed until labor starts, at which time contractions begin to slowly--sometimes, usually for first time moms, VERY slowly--open the cervix. the goal is 10cm, but a mom is considered in "active labor," which means screaming in pain and breathing like in the movies, at 4cm.

GLAM and whatnot

i hope any locals who read this will come to the gainesville local art mart (GLAM) on 11/22 from 2-6pm! it should be a lot of fun and a great way to stock up on handmade gifts for the holidays. we'll be selling screenprinted shirts, t.w.i.n.k. stuff, and maybe some of matt's drawings too.

in other news, i had the talk with work and it went surprisingly well. they did let me go, as i expected, because they need a full-time person... so i am free to pursue my path with the birth center on good terms knowing it was not really my choice to let UF go.

so now i have a month to get my teeth fixed before our insurance runs out--i need some work. it sucks. i guess i should probably get a good general checkup too and make sure i don't need any other medical help in the immediate future, since i will soon be without insurance. but at least matt and rowan will be taken care of thanks to public programs.

i start with the birth center tomorrow! i seriously can't wait to go to a job that doesn't stress me out and make me act un-like myself all the time. i have changed quite a bit since working for UF just as a result of the way i have to interact with people on a daily basis... i lost a key "me" part of my personality a while back; the part of me that was totally open, lighthearted, a little bit flaky, and yet somehow wise. i'm excited to become reacquainted with it in an environment of femininity and peacefulness, and ditch this grounded cranky serious persona i have taken on.

(it's funny that as i write this i catch myself singing "boop-be-doop" OUT LOUD like i do when rowan is around and needs to be entertained while i do a chore or something... totally ridiculous. maybe having a baby will help me stop being so serious too, haha.)

but seriously, i miss my old hippie jewelry and the sort of crazy way i used to dress and think nothing of it, my long absurdly purple hair, etc. no, i am not going through a midlife crisis, but i do think i am in need of a reorientation and a centering. i think it's happening anyway actually, and the things in my life which are facilitating it were somehow positioned just for that purpose. ooOOOOoooo.

anyway. my mom just informed me that rowan made a new game today: she shook her head as if to say "no" and when she and matt laughed, she kept doing it. silly girl. i miss her so much sometimes. but i think it's good for her to be away from me a little bit. i just hope tomorrow goes well with our new nanny! it will be the first and probably only time that someone she doesn't know watches her. after this week my lovely friend, doula, and pregnant lady karen will be her new nanny one day a week. yay!

21 weeks old (5+ months)

my baby is growing up :(

she is learning to sit up by herself these days, and today she finally decided eating is OK. she was opening her mouth for the banana/oatmeal mush i made her... it was very exciting. she also likes to pound on things with her hands, especially a crinkly book she has:

i think she is resolving her sleep issues, if i dare to say so, since the last few days she's had very long naps and she hasn't woke up until 2am (but a few times then afterwards). i really hope we're just in a phase, because i miss sleeping all night!

we went to a corn maze last week with my neighbor and her 7-month old. it was interesting, and not made of corn. they use some kind of sugar cane or bamboo grass that grows 15 ft tall... i guess corn is too expensive, ha. rowan liked walking through the dim passageways, especially when the wind blew and made the stalks swish. she'd make oooohs and ahhhs about. it was cute. it made me understand just how disorienting a labyrinth can be though; i've never been in one before. without the sun overhead you really do lose your way easily...

while there, i had my first truly "public" experience breastfeeding. sure, i walk through publix with her nursing under a sling, but this was different--pretty much right out in the open except when i could get her hat to cover me. it was interesting... it didn't bother me, per se, but i felt a little weird on behalf of the people around us. thankfully they ALL had children so i figure they can't have been too shocked. all in all i will try to avoid it in the future just because i am kind of shy anyway, but it wasn't mortifying or anything. and i don't really care who else was uncomfortable; part of me thinks i should do it more often just to 'normalize' it for others, you know, to further the cause :).

20 weeks, looking like daddy

work, saturn, and guilt

8:53 PM by rhiannon 0 comments
i don't think i ever posted about the craziness at work recently... about a month ago my boss casually asked "so are you ready to come back full time in october?" and, like some kind of 1960s cartoon character, i shattered into a million pieces and fell to a pile on the floor. i couldn't even answer her, i was so flabbergasted; i thought we had an arrangement for me to stay part-time until december when my mom quits watching rowan for me. apparently not. but after talking with my boss the next day she said that it was ok with them if i stay part-time on the condition that january 1 i am back 40 hours... the only problem is that HR said no way. basically UF's policy states that in order for me to continue part-time past my parental leave, the department would have to officially modify my position to make it part-time. which means in the next round of budget cuts they will lose the ability to ever hire for it full-time again. so we ended up back at me working full-time THIS MONTH. october 26th!

after this, matt and i had a nasty disagreement over my future status as full-time mom vs. full-time employee, which resolved itself nicely as soon as my parents decided to loan us the money to move to high springs. we agreed i'd be staying at home since it didn't make sense to move out there onto a farm if both of us 1) work in gainesville and 2) aren't home to manage the place. so. the rainbow appeared.

still, i've been freaking out trying to find a nanny just in case. and i haven't talked to my boss yet, because we just signed the papers on the house yesterday. and in the meantime, i applied for a position at the birth center because i saw it on craigslist and i couldn't resist.

yesterday was my interview, and i'm hired. tuesdays and thursdays, starting ASAP. complications aside, i am SO EXCITED to work there! the prospect of having a job i actually care about, working with a cause i really care about (natural birth choices) is nothing short of a dream. but more on that in a minute.

so now i have to go into work and tell them i'm moving, lay out an ultimatum (part-time or bust), and most likely hand over a letter of resignation because i do not think there is any chance they will keep me on part-time. and at this point, i don't want them to. yes the benefits are a huge deal, as is the $5 pay cut i'll be taking by going to the BCOG, but this is about so much more than money or insurance. this is about my search for meaning.

i'm terrified to talk with my boss though. it's going to kill her... i think she half-expects it but hearing me say it will be awful. i've had to steel myself against any attempts at keeping me (raises, etc) because i absolutely will not drive 70 miles a day, 5 days a week, and have rowan in daycare, for a few bucks. i won't. but i know i will be tempted.

the only thing i feel a little weird about is that i won't actually be home with rowan full-time... i now find myself truly torn between what to do. we could really use the extra money, as little as it will be, but because it's so little i can't help but feel like maybe it's not worth it. at any rate, i'm going to try it out and see what happens--i know i will love it. i finally understand why teachers work for such little pay... loving the cause is enough, sometimes.

the catch is, all of this has raised unfathomable guilt in me. i feel guilty over leaving my job, over leaving it on short notice, over agreeing to work anyway and not being home for rowan 24/7, over taking a pay cut when we need money, over walking away from our house, over borrowing from my parents, over shafting a home dealer who thought we were bringing him cash (we found a better deal). so much guilt.

naturally, i am in the early stages of my saturn return, which sort of abruptly brings all of this into focus; of course EVERYTHING is changing and decisions are being made that challenge past assumptions. i have the opportunity to make a choice that will put me on the path of becoming a doula, a childbirth educator, or even a midwife. i have the opportunity to be home with my baby 5 days a week in the process. our living situation is morphing into what we always hoped it would be. guilt seems to be the hurdle to self-actualization; my challenge. saturn is a funny, funny thing. in the midst of this uproar, i find that i am hopeful about my internal wellbeing for the first time in many years... incidentally, my saturn return began during the month of this year represented by the high priestess*. of course. :P

other things have piqued dormant areas in my psyche lately as well; we (twink and my shirt business) were invited to join a crafter's market in november to sell stuff with other local artists. this is something that would normally be kind of hassle to me, and i probably wouldn't do it, but i am so into it! i've been printing extra shirts and coming up with clever ideas because i am looking forward to it so much. and one of the cool things about working at the BC is that they said if i have any 'skills' or whatever i should tell them and i can teach classes for extra money. and they are working on getting a lot more involved with the community by having events and speakers and such and i can think of a million ideas and cool ways to implement them. i'm thinking i might gear up to teach a pregnant bellydance class in the near future. all about appreciating the pregnant body and strengthening birth muscles. i think in that kind of environment i could even grow to love my current body shape. anyway, i'm rambling.

time for a post about rowan!

*my friends and i traditionally do a yearly spread, one card for each sign, to guide and explain us through the year. libra was the high priestess for me. i turned 28 under the high priestess, which for me is now signaling the beginning of a new life; with my saturn return also this libra, during my birthday, under the HP, i see myself entering a new and different way of being. or rather, a return to that which once was. saturn seems to be changing everything but the fact is it has brought me back to myself, back to an internal sense that i used to have, of mystery and nature and openness all wrapped up into one. having been offered a job--shown a way to reconnect--in the most deeply feminine and mysterious close-to-the-source field (birth!), is so high priestess it's almost funny. saturn is lifting me as i choose to let the old go.**

**see also the grudge, by tool.

vaccine links updated

to original post...

the weight. and i guess the wait.

1:46 PM by rhiannon 0 comments
i've been hovering at a very uncomfortable 20-pounds-overweight for the last two months or so. admittedly, i have not been "exercising" though i do go on long walks with rowan almost daily, i don't eat crap, and i'm breastfeeing every hour and a half or so. yet here i sit, flabby and heavy.

i don't know why i expected/hoped that bfing alone would help (gee, maybe the 500 extra calories it's supposed to burn?!) but apparently it isn't enough to get me even close to my normal size. as rowan is coming up on 6 months shortly, it's time for me to get my ass in shape. literally.

and then i read this article and freaked out:
if you gain more than the recommended 20 to 25 pounds during pregnancy, or if you don’t lose the extra weight within six months of delivery, you are statistically likely to carry an extra 20 pounds, 10 years later. If you are overweight to begin with, that number is even higher. The six-month window for losing pregnancy weight seems to be critical.
oh. crap. my belly. my thighs. my ARMS for that matter!

i realize that i am not a typical american woman in terms of eating habits, activity levels, etc--i'm pretty good about all of it most of the time--so i'm hoping that will insulate me a little bit from falling into those statistics, but i'm not taking any chances! i'm cutting out coffee (since for some reason it makes me hold weight), starting to juice again, and eating as much raw fruits, veggies, and nuts as i can stomach to the exclusion of wheat and dairy.

i also started the at-home workout routine which i plan to do every night in between putting rowan to bed and making dinner: crunches, leg lifts, squats, lunges, push ups, jumping jacks, etc for 30 minutes. i did it last night and man am i sore today! my legs are w e a k. but that's good, it drove home how soft i have become. alas, for the 10-mile bicycle commute i no longer have...

though i must say i am looking forward to the busy, tiring, sweaty days of moving house, since i always seem to lose weight at those times. especially now that i will have the added stressor of a baby to deal with during packing and unpacking!

i am trying not to whine about it, since i realize it is mostly my fault for not getting on the ball sooner, but it sucks SO MUCH to feel squishy and out of place in my own body. pregnancy was a different matter, since it wasn't really "my" body all that time... it was ours... but now, yuck. i just feel gross and totally unattractive. when i look at pictures of myself from before i got pregnant i can't believe how good i looked (even though at the time i always felt not-fit-enough). gahh! compared to now, i was practically ideal. but oh well.

i will get there again soon. the right way.

squirmy little bean

when we chose her name a friend made a pretty funny connection that had not occurred to me... as i was calling her "little bean" at the beginning, and we settled on rowan as her name, he mentioned that it was pretty ridiculous to name her the same as the actor who plays "Mr. Bean" (yes, his name is rowan *sigh*) and call her little bean. ah, coincidences. so now she is officially little miss bean for more reasons than one.

she recently started this weird thing where she kicks her legs wildly and rubs her feet together but the rest of her doesn't move, so it looks like she is trying to riverdance. it's really, really funny except that it gets her all worked up when she does it in protest of being put in the crib (or whatever). she's very ticklish now too! there are spots on her tummy, ribs, and back that make her shove her fist into her mouth, squeal, and hunch down over herself with laughter. it's pretty cute.

she's also been 'singing' to herself for a few weeks now. it started with just ahhhh vocalizations but has progressed into higher-pitched, more controlled experimentations; she even goes up and down in tone and volume deliberately now. every now and then it's obvious she's made a sound that surprises her, which is pretty funny. she also blows raspberries and spits bubbles a lot recently. she thinks she's totally hot stuff because she can sit up almost by herself and she always wants to pull herself to standing when we hold her hands.

so we've started solids here and there too, but since matt hasn't butchered a rabbit lately i've given her egg yolks (not really a fan), sweet potato (ok), and peaches (a hit). she's still sort of ambivalent about eating but after the peaches today i think she'll be more into it. i had a strange intuitive moment last night while nursing at some ungodly hour--similar to the day i realized she was bored--and i think she needs more than breastmilk now. i know they say it's enough for the first year, and that's fine, but i just got the feeling she is hungrier than she used to be and milk ain't cutting it. i'm trying to avoid cereals for a while (oatmeal MAY be an exception) but everything else is game. as soon as we have a fresh rabbit we'll try meat. oh and matt's mom sent us this beaba babycook which i used for the first time yesterday--it's great! i'm definitely not going to used jarred babyfood, so anything that simplifies the process of making it myself is welcome. the babycook steams and purees in one handy compartment, and it's small enough to not be a nuisance on the counter.

oh we also got her a walker, or rather my parents did... i'm feeling like i already said this... checking... ok nope... but she can't quite touch the ground. she likes it though, and i have high hopes for her impending mobility.

crap, she just woke up. this is becoming a nasty habit, waking before midnight lately. why?! *sigh* our quiet nights are slowly falling by the wayside and i don't know why. gotta go.

19 weeks with grammy and grumpy

big news, new blog

FYI, i started another blog since we are moving to 5 acres to start our little farmstead! yay! so of course i have to document every little detail of the process.

i owe an update here too, since rowan is changing so fast--i promise to get to it this weekend. i'll be maintaining both blogs, but all the gardening/farm-related stuff will be over there. i'll focus on parenting, pregnancy, and rowan specifically here. which is not to imply that i'm pregnant (according to tests, not so far). but i will be again at some point! ;D

so much to do! and to look forward to :)

edited to add:

DUH i should put a link to the new blog, eh? five acres in florida